Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Jan 5, 2025Guide to Identity Resolution Algorithms for CDPIdentity resolution is the cornerstone of any Customer Data Platform (CDP). It involves consolidating disparate data points into unified customer profiles by resolving identities across multiple sources. This guide explores the algorithms, techniques...CDP
Sebastiannaturesphere.hashnode.dev·Oct 7, 2024Japan's Party Leaders' Debate to Be Extended to 80 MinutesIn a significant development for Japan's political discourse, ruling and opposition party lawmakers have agreed to extend the upcoming debate of party leaders in the Diet, Japan's parliament, to 80 minutes, up from the standard 45 minutes. This agree...Shigeru Ishiba
Nur Kholis M.kholis.hashnode.dev·Sep 27, 2024Flink: Failed to validate any of the configured directories to monitorIssue: Flink Dashboard unable to startup with following error messages: + echo 'Starting Flink History Server' + exec /opt/cloudera/parcels/FLINK-1.16.2-csa1.11.0.1-cdh7.1.9.0-387-45580652/bin/flink-historyserver start-foreground Sep 27, 2024 2:21:45...apache-flink
Sandeep Bhatiasitecore.hashnode.dev·Aug 17, 2024Understanding Sitecore CDP and Personalize: Elevating Customer ExperienceIn today’s digital landscape, delivering personalized experiences is crucial for engaging customers and driving conversions. Sitecore, known for its powerful digital experience platform, offers two key components that enable businesses to achieve thi...Sitecore
Pankaj Suryavanshidevtestops.hashnode.dev·Jan 27, 2024Localization Testing & Capturing Network in Selenium 4 using CDPIntroduction This blog explores the essentials of Localization Testing and the efficient use of Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) for network data capture in Selenium 4. We'll uncover practical insights to enhance the quality and performance of web appl...74 readsSelenium Javaselenium
Bo Cruzbocruz0033.hashnode.dev·Dec 15, 2023Demystifying Continuous Data Protection: A Comprehensive OverviewIntroduction: In today's digital age, data has become one of the most valuable assets for individuals and organizations alike. The need to protect this data from various threats, such as cyberattacks, hardware failures, and human errors, has never be...backup and recovery
Sandip Nikalesandiip.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2022How to create a custom parcels in cloudera cluster.Many of you might have come across a scenario where you wanted to install a package with a consistent version across all nodes in cloudera cluster, for example, if you want a higher python version on all nodes in the cluster what would you do... It's...61 readsCloudera