ARPIT·Dec 8, 2024Boosting Your Python Web App's PerformanceIn today’s era of dynamic web development, hosting a Python web application is a crucial task that requires careful attention to performance optimization. This article delves into the concepts of backend frameworks, concurrency, and the role of Celer...celery
Taufique·Nov 25, 2024Use Django, Celery, and Redis to Automate CSV Data ImportIn this small project, I Used Django, a Python Framework to build a robust application that imports any large CSV Dataset into a Table. The app allows you to specify which model you want to import data into, the application will check the header of t...Django
Nikhil·Nov 23, 2024Integrating Celery with Django: A Comprehensive GuideCelery is a powerful distributed task queue that can handle millions of tasks per minute. When combined with Django, it becomes an indispensable tool for handling asynchronous tasks, such as sending emails, processing images, or performing long-runni...65 readsPython Developmentdjango-celery
Snehangshu·Nov 12, 2024FeaturedA Step-by-Step Guide to Advanced Task Scheduling using Celery Beat and DjangoIn my asynchronous Python blog, I explored multitasking, distributed computing, and related best practices. But sometimes we need to run programs in a periodic manner, where running tasks in parallel does not matter. In many applications, periodic ta...30 likes·322 readscelery
Akshat·Nov 5, 2024Flask - Celery - Redis Boiler PlateSynchronous Tasks Execution Flow: Synchronous tasks are executed sequentially, meaning that the application will wait for a task to complete before moving on to the next one. The main thread of the application is blocked while a synchronous task i...60 readsFlask Framework
Gaurav·Oct 31, 2024Building event driven application using Fast API, Django, and KafkaIn this article, I’ll walk through how to build a basic to-do app using event-driven architecture principles. This system is designed to handle high traffic workloads and achieve scalability. Prerequisites This article will focus on using Kafka with ...1 like·99 readsMicroserviceMicroservices
Snehangshu·Oct 6, 2024Distributed Computing with Python: Unleashing the Power of Celery for Scalable ApplicationsHave you ever wondered about when you upload an 8K Ultra HD video to YouTube and immediately YouTube starts to process and optimize that video and make multiple copies of it in 1080p, 720p, 480p, 360p and 144p so that your content can be streamed to ...142 readsPython
Snehangshu·Sep 21, 2024Python Multitasking: Key Practices and ChallengesWhen I first encountered the Python language, I was amazed by what you could do with so little code, and it has been one of my favourite programming languages since. Some time ago, I faced a problem where I was trying to create something like a web s...128 readsgreenlets
Okesanya·Aug 20, 2024Stage 3: How to Create a Messaging System with Flask, Celery, and RabbitMQIntroduction Web applications provide various functions to thousands of users. To ensure high performance and low latency, applications run tasks that need immediate responses concurrently and use specific tools to offload other tasks to run in the b...1 like·38 readsFlask Framework
Faruq·Jul 31, 2024Building an Image Compression Web App using FastAPI, Celery, and NextJS, Part 1: Backend.This is my first article on @hashnode, and I'm glad they make it easy to write and let me back up my articles to GitHub. The purpose of this article is to show the tech stacks I often use. I don't want to dive into the technical aspects of this web a...56 readsPython