Pradeep·Jan 18, 2024CGI and mod_perlCGI CGI or Common Gateway Interface is a standard protocol that defines how web servers and external programs can communicate. It allows web servers to execute programs written in various languages, such as Perl, Python, and PHP, in response to web r...perl
SHEKHAR·Dec 29, 2023Introduction to Java ServletsImagine you're at a restaurant, and you want to order some food. The waiter takes your order, go to the kitchen and brings the food to your table. In world of web, Servlet is like the waiter who takes your web request and brings the response from the...81 readsJava
Bimal·Sep 17, 2023Writing Bash CGI Application for OpenWRTWhen it comes to custom router firmware, OpenWRT is probably the best. If you build the firmware by yourself, you can skip all the preinstalled LuCi Web UI things and dial down the RAM usage to just 3-4 MB. One of the cool things about OpenWRT is its...189 readsOpenWRT
Mohammed Al·Aug 17, 2023PHP-FPM is better!Some years ago there was CGI, which is just a simple script in any lanuage that gets executed by the web-server to render some data back to the browser. Each CGI script for sure gets executed in a separate process each time there is a request, that's...PHP
Yashraj·Dec 17, 2022Computer Graphics and MultimediaSyllabus Unit 1- Fundamentals Raster Scan display Pixels and frame buffer vector and character generation Random Scan Display Display Devices, Scan and Conversion techniques Line Drawing Algorithms- DDA and Bresenhams' Circle Drawing Algorith...1 like·32 readscomputer graphics