jack kweyungajackkweyunga.hashnode.dev·4 hours agoTraefik Proxy Guide: Configuring public Domain Names for Docker ContainersDisclaimer This article introduces Traefik, a modern reverse proxy and load balancer for deploying micro-services. We will cover its basics, key features, configuration, and integration with Docker. By the end, you should understand how to set up and...DiscussDevops
Jatinjatin2231.hashnode.dev·14 hours agoDay 4 of Devops - 45 Days : Automating AWS Instance Creation Using ScriptingIntroduction Manually creating AWS instances can be time-consuming and error-prone. By automating this process using scripting, you can significantly improve efficiency and reduce the risk of human error. This blog post will guide you through the ste...Discuss·1 likeDevops
Nicolás GeorgerforSREDevOps.orgsredevopsorg.hashnode.dev·Sep 12, 2024Vulnerabilidad crítica en un repo de Stripe: ¿Cómo asegurar los Workflows de GitHub Actions? Entendiendo "Pwn Request"Una vulnerabilidad grave en el GitHub Actions Workflow de Stripe permitió a un investigador obtener acceso al token de GitHub del repositorio. Esta vulnerabilidad, conocida como "Pwn Request", explotó la confianza depositada en los pull requests para...Discussapps
Nicolás GeorgerforSREDevOps.orgsredevopsorg.hashnode.dev·Sep 12, 2024Security Breach in Stripe GitHub's Repo: How to Secure GitHub Actions Workflows? Understanding the Pwn Request VulnerabilityA severe vulnerability in Stripe’s GitHub Actions Workflow allowed a researcher to gain access to the repository's GitHub token. This vulnerability, known as "Pwn Request," exploited the trust placed in pull requests to gain unauthorized access to se...Discussapps
Alberto Eusebialbeus.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Integrating Gitlab and Hashicorp Vault: A Complete OverviewHere is a clarification on how GitLab authenticates to HashiCorp Vault and how to set up a CI/CD pipeline to access secrets. You can find this information in the official Vault and GitLab guides. Since these details are scattered across various guide...DiscussGitLab
Jay Panchaljaypnchl.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024How to Handle Sensitive Data in Jenkins Pipelinetags: CICD | Jenkins | Security Introduction In this article, you will learn how to handle sensitive data in Jenkins Pipeline Code. Prerequisites: Jenkins is Installed and Basic Understanding of Creating Pipeline How to Handle Sensitive Data in Jen...Discussci-cd
Dewa Mahendradewa-mahendra.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Learn CI/CD: The Ultimate Introductory GuideIn the world of software development, delivering high-quality software quickly and efficiently is crucial. This is where Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) come into play. CI/CD automates the process of software integ...Discussci-cd
DevOpsheliandevopshelian.hashnode.dev·Sep 10, 2024A Beginner's Guide to DevOps: Automating a CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab CI and KubernetesIntroduction: DevOps is all about automating processes to make development and operations more efficient. One of the most crucial aspects of DevOps is Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). In this guide, we'll walk you through set...DiscussDevops
Harshit Sahuharshitsahu2311.hashnode.dev·Sep 9, 2024Complete DevOps CI/CD ProjectContinuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines have revolutionized how modern applications are built and deployed. Automating this process helps reduce errors, improve efficiency, and ensure consistency across various environments...Discuss·5 likes·551 readsDocker
Vishesh Ghulevisheshblog.hashnode.dev·Sep 9, 2024Day 44: AWS CI🚀 Introduction In this blog we’ll dive into creating a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline using AWS services. A CI pipeline is a automating the process of integrating code changes & testing. In this blog, we'll explore how to set up and manage a C...DiscussAWS