Swami Buddha Chaitanyachaiitanyacodes.hashnode.dev·Aug 27, 2024Why Use Cloudflare Workers? Building Serverless Apps with Hono.js ExplainedIntroduction The evolution of cloud computing has introduced us to the concept of serverless functions, a paradigm shift that allows developers to run code without managing servers. This approach brings scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, ...Discusshonojs
Hunter Bertosonhkbertoson.hashnode.dev·Jun 6, 2024FeaturedBuilding a Contact Form with Astro and Cloudflare Workers: A Simple GuideIntroduction Brief overview of Astro and Cloudflare Workers Astro and Cloudflare Workers represent two distinct yet powerful tools in modern web development. Astro is a framework designed for building fast and efficient websites, emphasizing performa...Geoffrey Callaghan and 2 others are discussing this3 people are discussing thisDiscuss·44 likes·428 readsAstro
Jay Simonsdesignly.hashnode.dev·Jun 2, 2024Use CloudFlare Workers and D1 to Create a Completely Free CRUD APICloudFlare began as a company providing content delivery network (CDN) and distributed DNS services to enhance website performance and security. It has since evolved into a major internet infrastructure provider offering a comprehensive suite of perf...DiscussAPIDevelopment
Sushant GulatiforCerta's Tech Blogblog.certa.dev·May 22, 2024From Duplication to Unification: How Cloudflare Workers Helped Us Centralize Shared LogicProblem In our codebase, we had a very specific parser responsible for converting meta JSON created on front-end into a format ingestible by our backend. The parser was exclusively utilized by the frontend until recently. However, while we were build...Discuss·1 like·132 readscloudflare-worker
Justforvanblog.justforvan.com·Mar 17, 2024Publishing Angular Web App on Cloudflare Pages 2024I recently got into the hassle of trying to publish my Angular web app into Pages. None of the tutorial on the web helped me so I decided to come up with a simple twist. If you recently experienced the same thing, this is what finally works for me so...DiscussJustfor.web.devAngular
Sohail Pathaniamspathan.hashnode.dev·Feb 28, 2024Beyond Serverless: Enriching Serverless Applications with APIsIntroduction: Traditional software development usually involves activities around managing servers, provisioning resources, and in general, dealing with scalability challenges. Every developer in the world has had some experience with this. However, ...Discussseverlesscomputing
Aviral Vardiyablog.aviralvardiya.com·Feb 26, 2024Week-13 @ 100xdevs cohort : BLOG app using react TS frontend and hono backend hosted on cloudflare workersThis week, we developed a blog application with React and TypeScript for the frontend, employing Hono for the backend HTTP server. Our backend was deployed on Cloudflare Workers, utilizing PostgreSQL as the database and Prisma as the ORM. Throughout ...DiscussReact
PRATYAY MUSTAFIpratyaywrites.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 2024Deploy Next js apps in Cloudflare pagesCloudflare pages is the best alternative when it comes to serverless platforms like Vercel or Netlify . Because cloudflare pages is virtually free and unlimited where others are limited for 100Gb bandwidth. Also there is no limitation like no commerc...Discuss·794 readsNext.js
Sohail Pathaniamspathan.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 2024Building a Bulk DNS Email Validation Service using Cloudflare Workers and ApyHub APIUse case: An application requires a mechanism to validate a list of emails provided by the user in a CSV file format. The goal is to filter out emails that do not pass the DNS validation process, separating them between valid and invalid ones. This c...DiscussApyHubserverless
Aviral Vardiyablog.aviralvardiya.com·Feb 11, 2024Week-11 @ 100xdevs cohort : Server and serverless deployment on AWS EC2 and Cloudflare WorkersThis week delved into serverless and remote virtual server deployments. We learnt how serverless setups offer rapid bootstrapping, auto-scaling for uncertain user numbers, and cost-effectiveness for low-traffic deployments. Yet, they face challenges ...Discussserverless