Muhamad Dani·Nov 20, 2024Traefik as Reverse Proxy & Load Balancer LocallyTentang Traefik Traefik adalah reverse proxy dan load balancer modern yang dirancang untuk mengelola lalu lintas web di dalam infrastruktur berbasis microservices. Traefik mendukung integrasi langsung dengan berbagai sistem orkestrasi seperti Docker,...Discuss·31 readsDocker
Carlos Armando Marcano·Nov 19, 2024Building a Reverse Proxy with Pingora | RustThis tutorial focuses on how to create a load balancer using the Pingora library. If you have read the Pingora documentation, there won’t be anything new in this article for you, except that we will add a rate limiter from the example posted in the d...Discusspingora
Darshan·Nov 10, 2024Understanding Forward Proxy and Reverse Proxy ServersIn today’s digital world, proxies are like gatekeepers for data, helping to control the flow of information and keep networks secure. You’ve probably heard of proxies before, but did you know there are two main types with different roles? These are f...DiscussNetworking Fundamentalsproxy server benefits
Philippe Charriè·Nov 3, 2024Blue-Green Deployment with Docker Compose and Caddy on Raspberry PiThis article explains how to implement a blue-green deployment strategy for a Go application using Docker Compose and Caddy on a Raspberry Pi. Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime by running two identical environments called Blu...Discuss·1 like·94 readsDocker CookBookDocker
Bandhan·Nov 1, 2024Implement reverse proxy without paid domain with EC2Disclaimer: We need domains, but we don’t have to pay. We will use a trick to make our custom domains pointing our public IP. So basically it’s not paid domain at all. What is reverse proxy? Reverse proxy and proxy are two different things. Proxy: Su...Discuss·11 likes·33 readsReverse Proxy
Nobella NyarariforCool Tech's·Oct 23, 2024Nginx Configuration: Host an application on multiple domains.Introduction Have you ever wondered how companies can serve the same applications on different domains? Either for branding initiatives or SEO strategies? Hosting an application on multiple domains using the same codebase could be the means to unlock...Discussmultiple domains
Nkoa·Oct 11, 2024Why You Don’t Need a Load Balancer When Reverse Proxies are involved ?Modern reverse proxies often come equipped with traffic balancing capabilities across multiple servers. So, is a dedicated load balancer still necessary when using reverse proxies? Before going futher let us define load balancer and reverse proxy. A ...Discuss·32 readsReverse Proxy
Sahil·Oct 6, 2024How I Solved an SEO Problem with Cloudflare Workers: A Reverse Proxy StoryIntroduction: A Problem I Didn't See Coming A few weeks ago, I was working on a client project that had a unique challenge: they had their homepage hosted on Webflow at and their SaaS application hosted on a separate subdomain, app.exampl...Discuss·55 readsReverse Proxy
Jubril·Oct 1, 2024Configuring NGINX as a Web Server, a Load Balancer and a Reverse ProxyIn this simple hands-on, we’ll be configuring Nginx as a Web Server serving static web contents, as a Load Balancer distributing requests to three backend node.js applications and as a Reverse Proxy proxying requests from one port to another. Nginx :...Discuss·1 like·85 readswebserver·Sep 18, 2024setup apache2 with reverse proxybiasanya bila aku develop system backend kita perlu kan frontend untuk mapping data atau query dari end user. so masa proses communication backend via frontend ni selalunya hacker akan cuba exploit atau buat finger printing nak probe info apa yang ka...Discussapache2