Vibhas·Nov 10, 2024Write Your First Program In C· HEADER FILES Header files consist standard functions which are essential to write our program. It is code which is already written in C so we can use it directly. Without declaring proper header file code will not run. At basic level we will u...c programming
Nile·Aug 5, 2024Azure AI and Code-First Development: Crafting Your Custom CopilotIt is now essential to have intelligent, effective, and personalized coding assistance in the fast-paced field of software development. Azure AI leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide a powerful platform for developing thes...205 readscopilot
Nabidul·Apr 24, 2024Code First vs. Database First...Choose WiselyIntroduction Object-relational mapping (ORM)is a programming technique that allows database interaction using objects, mapping database models to application domain models. One ORM we have previously discussed is Entity Framework (EF). When starting,...1 like·26 readscode first
Konrad Przepiórzyń·Mar 26, 2024Merging Incremental Migrations in Entity FrameworkThe story Have you ever encountered a challenge that looked something like this? You’re assigned to a task force with the mission of implementing a new, exciting feature in your legacy application. You’re grateful to your fellow developers for transi...124 readsentity framework
Sudip·Mar 9, 2024Entity Framework Core - Code First Approach Example. ASP.NET Entity Framework Core simplifies data access in ASP.NET applications by providing a powerful and flexible ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework with support for modern development practices and cross-platform compatibility. To get start...1.3K readscodefirstapproach
Winson·Oct 27, 2023Use code first to connect database in .Net Core APIIn the previous article, I have explained how to use VS Code to setup an ASP.NET Core development environment. Now, let's talking about how to build a database connection project! Here I have to say again that it is so comfortable to use VS CODE for ...2 likesDatabases