Lucas SchnürigerforSoftware Engineering·May 2, 2023Breaking the Line: The Benefits of Limited Line Lengths"Everyone has widescreen monitors nowadays." This is the argument I often hear when I bring up the idea of enforcing a maximum line length in our code. And with that, the discussion is dismissed. However, I believe that this stance misses the point c...3 likes·144 readscode style
Felipe·Sep 16, 2022Por que no Python a PEP-8 define a linha com no máximo 79 caracteres?Você já deve ter se perguntado o porque no Python a gente escreve código com apenas 79 caracteres por linha e existem alguns bons motivos, alguns oficiais outros nem tanto. Vamos falar deles a seguir: O primeiro motivo é que, em alguns monitores mais...104 readsPython
Ryutaro·Sep 12, 2022Python Function Design Check ListIntroduction It is very important to name your variable, function and class clearly because it will help not only your teammate but also yourself in the future. In this article, I will help you to learn how you should write your code for companies. 1...162 readsPython
Avneesh·Jun 16, 2022How not to write clean code in React? 🧹Introduction Wassup everyone, long time no see. Today we will see a few ways to not clean code in React, let's jump right into it! 10 ways to not write clean code Not use a linter Who needs a linter to keep good code styles, and keep the code clean ...61 likes·1.3K readsReact