Pranav·Feb 4, 2025A Complete Guide to Setting Up Dev Tools for Vanilla JavaScript Projects: Part 2📖 Part 1: Learning the essentials 🤖 Part 2: Automating the process👈 you are here 📘Introduction This blog is in continuation with its first part - A Complete Guide to Setting Up Dev Tools for Vanilla JavaScript Projects: Part 1. So please che...Web Development
Pranav·Feb 4, 2025A Complete Guide to Setting Up Dev Tools for Vanilla JavaScript Projects: Part 1📖 Part 1: Learning the essentials👈 you are here 🤖 Part 2: Automating the process 📘 Introduction Managing and debugging large code bases can be challenging, especially when they lack proper structure or standards. Following a standard for wri...2 likesWeb Development
SOURAV·Dec 31, 2024Ultimate Guide to Writing Commit Messages for Commitlint WorkflowThis guide provides detailed instructions and best practices for crafting commit messages when using Commitlint, ensuring consistency, clarity, and traceability in your codebase. Following this format not only improves collaboration but also integrat...GitHub
Naveed·Nov 25, 2024Set up Semantic-Release and Commitlint to Automate Releases on GitHub (with Next.js and NPM deployment examples)Introduction What is semantic-release? semantic-release is a Node.js package that automatically increments version number of the repo in which it is installed. It does this by analyzing Git commit messages to pick out any changes that may warrant a n...49 readsNext.js
Harsh·Sep 26, 2024Managing Collaboration in Projects with GitHub 🌟🚀 This blog will cover best practices for managing local development with live code on GitHub. ✨ GitHub is more than just a version control system; it’s a platform that fosters collaboration among developers. With features like branching, pull reque...1 likeCodeQuaily
Sanchit·Apr 21, 2024Supercharge your workflow with Husky, Lint Staged and CommitlintAs a developer, I'm constantly scouring for those nitty-gritty details because, let's face it, they make all the difference. But you know what really grinds my gears? 🤔 It's when I'm knee-deep in a project, collaborating with a bunch of other devs, ...42 readsDevOpshusky
Devrajsinh·Mar 20, 2024Become a pro committer with husky and commitlintHello everyone, welcome to the new blog where we will be discussing about how you can upgrade your commits, your changes and your codebase to achieve proper documentation and code structure. In this blog, we will learn about husky and commitlint, and...good practices
Farhan·Feb 28, 2024A Comprehensive Look: Pros and Cons of Development Workflow in Frontend EngineeringTechnology Stack of the project NextJS Typescript TailwindCSS ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-staged Problem In my last employment, I worked as a Team Leader for a comprehensive project. There were rules set by the Tech Lead that we need to maint...12 likes·61 readsdevelopment workflow
Arcadio·Jan 27, 2024Setup Husky and Commitlint to our repoSometimes, we put anything in our code commits, but this doesn't help when checking what changes were made if it was a fix or part of a new feature. Keeping order in our repositories is important. Tools like Husky and Commitlint help us add structure...5 likes·40 readshusky
Petru·Jan 16, 2024How to lint your commit messagesYou just learned about Conventional Commits specification and its benefits, and would like to adopt it. Change is difficult, how do you make sure you never go rogue again? The answer to that is simple, using commitlint to lint your commit messages. W...113 readscommitlint