Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Dec 6, 2024A Practical Guide for Software Engineers to Understand and Tackle Complex Business DomainsThe complexity of modern software systems is an undeniable challenge for developers and organizations alike. As systems scale, they must accommodate evolving requirements, integrate with disparate technologies, and remain adaptable. Without a robust ...business
Varenya Thyagarajvarenya.hashnode.dev·Dec 5, 2024A case for alt JS langs - not TS.Easy but Complex Building software in languages like C or JavaScript presents challenges due to their fundamental design. Key Issues: Simple Syntax, Hidden Complexity: Basic operations seem easy, but as code grows, managing it becomes complex and cu...113 readsJavaScript
Riham Fayezrihamfh.hashnode.dev·Oct 13, 2024Sorting algorithms: Insertion sortInsertion Sort is a simple comparison-based sorting algorithm that builds a sorted array (or list) one element at a time. It's much like how you might sort playing cards in your hands. You start with an empty left hand and take the cards one by one f...algorithms
Riham Fayezrihamfh.hashnode.dev·Oct 12, 2024Algorithmic ComplexityThe "complexity" of an algorithm describes how much time or memory (space) it takes to complete that task, as the size of the input increases. Two main types of complexity: Time complexity Measures how the execution time of an algorithm grows as t...Complexity
Chahat kumarchahatkumar.hashnode.dev·Oct 9, 2024What is "Time and Space" Complexities in Data Structure and Algorithms ?Sometimes, there is more than one way to solve a particular problem. We need to learn how to compare the performance of different algorithms and choose the best approach to solve the problem. While learning DSA, we often encounter a common term: Comp...Complexity
Prerit Sainipreritsaini.hashnode.dev·Oct 8, 2024Understanding Time and space complexities in simple terms.When learning about data structures and algorithms, we encounter a common term: complexities. We see this term everywhere on LeetCode and similar platforms. The efficiency of your solution to a problem is evaluated based on its complexities. In other...31 likes·67 readsComputer Science
Mohit Rajamohitraja12.hashnode.dev·Oct 4, 2024Complexities In Data Structure AlgorithmWHAT IS COMPLEXITY? The measurement of the efficiency of an algorithm is termed as COMPLEXITY in terms of TIME and SPACE resources. It helps the user evaluate and analyse the performance and efficiency of the algorithm. Time Complexity : Time co...2 likes·46 readsComplexity
Kingsley Ihemelandukijuchihe.hashnode.dev·Sep 25, 2024Complexities in DSAWhat are Complexities One of the main reasons for Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), is to solve problems effectively and efficiently. To determine the efficiency of a program, we look at two types of complexities: Time Complexity: This tells us ...10 likesData Structures and AlgorithmsTime Complexity
Ronald Bartelshubandspoke.amastelek.com·Aug 7, 2024⚠️Normalization in Technology | Complexity is a Risk, Not an Asset🚨In the world of Information Technology, complexity can feel inevitable, especially in networks and security configurations. Over time, firewalls accumulate rules, networks expand, and IT infrastructures grow organically, layer upon layer. This may se...5 likesLessons Learntinformation technology
Andrew Tetzeliandrewtetzeli.hashnode.dev·Jul 28, 2024Challenges and Solutions I've Found in Managing Inheritance Hierarchies in Object-Oriented ProgrammingLike others, I use OOP to organize software around objects that interact using interfaces. The inheritance concept is key to OOP, allowing new classes to be based on existing ones and inherit their features and behaviors. Focusing on inheritance help...Object Oriented Programming