shohanur·Nov 17, 2024Concurrent Mode in ReactConcurrency means executing multiple tasks at the same time but not necessarily simultaneously. In the context of React.js, concurrency refers to having more than one task in progress at once without blocking the main thread, and concurrent tasks can...concurrent-rendering
shohanur·Nov 16, 2024Why React uses Pure Components?React enforces using pure components. To ensure this React has ‘StrictMode’ on in the development mode/environment. So that any impure component can be identified. React Doc says, “React’s rendering process must always be pure. Components should only...1 likeReact
akanksha·Oct 13, 2024Virtual DOM ( Document Object Model)The virtual DOM is a concept in web development, particularly in libraries and framework like React, that optimizes the way changes to the UI are handled. How the virtual DOM works :- Real DOM : The regular DOM ( Document Object Model ) is a tree st...1 likeReact
고라니드로·Sep 3, 2024[React] 변화의 물결, 동시성 렌더링이 포스트는 React 버전 18.3.1을 기준으로 합니다. 동시성 렌더링은 18 버전부터 정식 도입된 새로운 메커니즘입니다. 이는 아직 불완전하지만, 많은 가능성을 보여주었습니다. Suspense, useDeferredValue 등이 그 결과물이지요. 하지만 그와 동시에 이전에 없던 많은 문제를 불러왔습니다. 이번 포스트에서는 이것이 어떻게 동작하고, 또 어느 부분이 문제가 되는지 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 어떻게 동작하는가 동시성 적용에 가장...32 readsconcurrent-rendering