Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Dec 19, 2024Using CountDownLatch in Java: A Deep Dive with Code Examples and DemosSource: Using CountDownLatch in Java: A Deep Dive with Code Examples and Demos 1. Understanding CountDownLatch in Java CountDownLatch is a part of the java.util.concurrent package and is used to synchronize one or more threads, forcing them to w...concurrent
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 2024Understanding Runnable and Callable in Java: Examples and Code DemosSource: Understanding Runnable and Callable in Java: Examples and Code Demos 1. Introduction to Runnable and Callable Concurrency in Java is achieved through threads, and Runnable and Callable are two key interfaces used to define tasks that c...thread
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Dec 5, 2024Techniques for Handling ABA Problems in CAS with JavaSource: Techniques for Handling ABA Problems in CAS with Java 1. Understanding CAS and the ABA Problem 1.1 What is CAS (Compare-And-Swap)? Compare-And-Swap (CAS) is a fundamental atomic operation used in concurrent programming to ac...Java
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Nov 7, 2024How Do Java Thread Locals Work? Uncovering the Secrets Behind Safe Thread-Local VariablesSource: How Do Java Thread Locals Work? Uncovering the Secrets Behind Safe Thread-Local Variables 1. Understanding Java ThreadLocals Java ThreadLocal is a special type of variable that provides each thread that accesses it with its own, ...thread
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Oct 31, 2024Techniques for Managing Concurrency in Java Using SemaphoresSource: Techniques for Managing Concurrency in Java Using Semaphores 1. What is a Semaphore in Java? A semaphore in Java is a synchronization aid that restricts the number of threads that can access a shared resource at any given time. I...thread
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Oct 7, 2024What Is CyclicBarrier? Key Facts and Examples ExplainedSource: What Is CyclicBarrier? Key Facts and Examples Explained 1. What Is a CyclicBarrier? A CyclicBarrier is a synchronization aid that allows a set of threads to all wait for each other to reach a common barrier point. Once all threads reac...Java
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Oct 5, 2024Which Class Do the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() Methods Belong To?Source: Which Class Do the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() Methods Belong To? 1. Understanding the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() Methods The wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods are integral to Java's concurrency model. They belong ...thread
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Oct 3, 2024What is a Race Condition? Causes, Examples, and SolutionsSource: What is a Race Condition? Causes, Examples, and Solutions 1. Understanding Race Conditions A race condition occurs when two or more threads or processes access shared resources concurrently, and the final outcome depends on the timing ...thread
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Sep 22, 2024Java Thread Pool: How to Efficiently Manage ThreadsSource: Java Thread Pool: How to Efficiently Manage Threads 1. Introduction to Thread Pool in Java 1.1 What is a Thread Pool? A thread pool is a group of pre-instantiated reusable threads that are available to perform tasks. When a task i...Java
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Sep 18, 2024Why Singleton Bean Scope Can Handle Multiple Parallel Requests And Key ConsiderationsSource: Why Singleton Bean Scope Can Handle Multiple Parallel Requests And Key Considerations 1. Understanding Singleton Scope in Spring The singleton scope in Spring ensures that only one instance of a bean is created and shared across the en...Spring