·Jul 13, 2024Penerapan Constants dan Final dalam Dart: Tips untuk Kode yang Lebih Stabil dan AmanDalam pemrograman, ada kalanya kita membutuhkan nilai yang tetap dan tidak berubah sepanjang runtime aplikasi. Dart menawarkan dua cara utama untuk mendeklarasikan variabel yang tidak dapat diubah: menggunakan const dan final. Pada artikel ini, kita ...Dart FundamentalsDart
Anish·Jun 22, 2024Difference Between Var , Let and Const ?Var: The scope of the variable defined with the keyword var is limited to the function within which it is defined . If it defined outside a function , the scope of the variable is global Default value of var is undefined Let : The scope of the variab...1 likevariables·Jun 7, 2024Var, let and constJavaScript provides three primary ways to declare variables: var, let, and const. While they may seem similar at first glance, each has distinct characteristics and use cases. Each one of these has its own rule, and if you understand them well, it ma...coding
Hugo·Jun 5, 2024Introduction to JavaScript ES6+: Essential Features for BeginnersThis article introduces essential ES6 features for modern JavaScript development, including let and const for variable declaration, arrow functions for concise syntax, template literals for easier string manipulation, destructuring assignment for unp...JavaScript
JAY·Mar 21, 2024Taming the Beasts: Understanding const, let, and var in JavaScriptEver stare at code and feel like you're deciphering ancient scrolls? Yeah, me too. That's why I started this blog! Here, we take complex tech concepts and break them down into bite-sized pieces – no PhD required. We'll navigate the confusing bits tog...JavaScript
Suraj·Mar 15, 2024Unlocking JavaScript's Variable Mysteries: Global vs Local, Block Scope, and Beyond!🚀 Welcome to the JavaScript with Node.js Journey! Today, let's dive into an exciting topic: Global vs Local Variables, Block Scope, and Differences Between let, const, and var! 💡 Global vs Local Variables:🌎 Global Variables: They're like superst...JavaScript
Sailesh ShresthaforJoBins·Jan 20, 2024What really is a constant in Javascript with object ?Introduction I have been working as a frontend developer in last 6 years of my full time job and using most recent ECMAScript standard and it has lots of advantages and new features. One of them is to able to define constants. In Javascript this was ...161 readsObjects
Manoj·Oct 4, 2023Const vs Readonly in C#In this article, we will talk about the two most commonly used keywords “const” and “readonly” and the difference between them. Let`s get started. const: We can declare a variable as a constant using the const keyword in C#. We need to assign a val...C#
Mohamed·Sep 26, 2023Why const isn't always constant in JavaScriptTable of Contents: Introduction Why const isn't always constant in JavaScript and TypeScript How this relates to state managers How this impacts React How to make an object immutable Conclusion Introduction When we declare a variable with the...1 like·139 readsJavaScript2Articles1Week·Sep 17, 2023Defining Variables; using (const, let and var)Const Is used to declare a variable that cannot be re-assigned after it has been defined. It is useful for declaring constants or values that should not be changed. Let Is used to declare a variable that can be re-assigned. It is useful for variables...10 likesconst