himanshublogs-himanshu.hashnode.dev·15 hours agoThe Smart Coder and the Magic of JavaScript Control StatementsIn a small town, Ravi, a curious young coder, is staring at the screen of the laptop. He had recently learned about the JavaScript and trying to code a simple online shop for his uncle’s sweet shop, Gupta ji ki Mithaiya. But there was a problem — his...10 likesChaiCode
Shivam Dubeycodefarms.in·Nov 14, 2024Mastering Flow Control in Go: Break, Continue, and Goto ExplainedIn Go, controlling the flow of loops and blocks of code is essential for writing efficient programs. Go provides three key keywords for this purpose: break: Exits a loop or switch statement prematurely. continue: Skips the current iteration of a lo...Golanggo control flow
Yushahu Yussif Azarablog.muqitazara.tech·Nov 13, 2024Understanding Ternary Operators: Simplifying Ternary Conditional Logic over If/Else StatementsIntroduction My first encounter with conditional (ternary) operations was when I first ventured into the world of programming. Along my journey, I was tasked with writing a monty program, where I had to define a data structure to use in the program a...60 readsternary operator
gayatri kumargeekee.hashnode.dev·Oct 29, 2024Control the Flow: Making Decisions in JavaScript!Imagine you’re the hero of an epic quest. You’ve just entered an enchanted forest filled with choices at every turn—fight or flee, left or right, friend or foe. The path you choose determines the outcome of your journey. In programming, the decisions...50 likesWeb Developmentjs
Arnav Singhpythonfornoobs.hashnode.dev·Oct 8, 2024Control Flow in Python: If Statements, Loops, and MoreWhen writing code, you'll often need to make decisions and control how the program flows based on different conditions. This is known as control flow, and Python offers various ways to implement it. In this article, we’ll explore Python's control flo...10 likesPython for Noobscontrol flow
Oliver Waterkampwaterkamp.hashnode.dev·Aug 17, 2024@for control-flow blockI think the track argument is not described transparently enough in the official Angular documentation and I had a few questions about it that remained unanswered. In the following article I tried to show you how the track-expression can be written. ...Angular
Kirstykirsty.hashnode.dev·Jul 6, 2024How to Use If, Else, and Switch Statements in JavaScriptIntroduction In this tutorial, I will show you how to use two control structures in JavaScript: the if/else statement and the switch statement. 😀 By the end of this article, you'll be able to use both in your projects and understand control flow in ...11 likes·43 readsJavaScript
Chetan Dattachetan77.hashnode.dev·Jun 2, 202417 Java - Control Flow StatementsDecision Making Statements If then (Simple if) If Condition is true, then if-block will get executed. if(boolean condition){ //Code here get executed when condition is true } if-else If condition is true, if-block will get executed else if co...42 readsJavaSwitch Expression
Unggul Cahya Saputraahliweb.id·May 23, 2024Days 3-4: Flow Control and FunctionsObjective: Learn if-else, loops (for, while, do-while), and switch-case. Create simple examples to understand flow control. Learn to create and call functions. 1. Flow Control 1.1 If-Else Statements: The if-else statement is used to execute cod...Exploring Dart, Flutter, Serverpod for Stunning AppsDart
Pulkit Aroraapulkit674.hashnode.dev·May 19, 2024Control Flow in PythonControl flow is an essential concept in programming that determines the order in which statements are executed in a program. In Python, control flow is managed through conditional statements like if, elif, and else. These statements allow you to cont...Python