Menno·Sep 30, 2024Publishing a website online and minimum technical and legal requirementsHere’s a table summarizing both the legal and technical minimum requirements for running a website, along with their associated costs: Tabel RequirementCost Range (Monthly)Purpose Legal Requirements Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions$42 - $
Raul·Aug 15, 2024Estimating Observability Costs in AWSObservability is a crucial practice that allows us to understand a system's behavior from the outside by leveraging logs, traces, and metrics. Over the years, it has become easier to implement due to the maturity of cloud providers and industry stand...10 likes·51 readsAWS
Patrick·Oct 7, 20235 Ways to Make the Most of Your Cloud Investment: A Guide to ModernizationAWS has a great blog post on transitioning from migration to modernization on the cloud. It's a must-read for anyone who is looking to get the most out of their cloud investment. Here are a few key takeaways from the post: 1. Start with a clear u...Cloud
Mariano Gonzá·Mar 12, 2023AWS estimated charges - get notified in a few steps!Whenever we deploy resources on AWS, we need to keep in mind that costs are something to monitor closely. AWS offers a Free Tier, with the most used services for you to start exploring. And some of them are always free (within a given quota)! If yo...Shortsshorts
Netzary InfodynamicsforNetzary·Dec 25, 2022How do you reduce your AWS bills? -2023 GuideMost aspects of this topic have not changed from the beginning of 2022. However, I am compiling all that we have learned in the past few months, and adding to the already known. Caveat: In most cases when customers come to us with burgeoning AWS bill...1 like·80 readscosts