dheeraj korangagyannbaato.hashnode.dev·Sep 22, 2024Inheritance in CSSInheritance is a fundamental concept in CSS where certain properties of a parent element are automatically passed down(or "inherited") to its child elements. However, not all CSS properties are inherited by default. Inheritance is mostly applied to t...DiscussCSS for BegineersCSS
dheeraj korangagyannbaato.hashnode.dev·Sep 22, 2024Cascading and Specificity ( most imp )In CSS, cascading and specificity are key concepts that determine how styles are applied to HTML elements when there are multiple conflicting rules. Understanding both concepts helps you resolve conflicts between CSS rules and control which styles ta...DiscussCSS for Begineerscss Cascading and Specificity
Turanya Sharmaturanyasharma.hashnode.dev·Sep 1, 2024Understanding CSS Specificity and InheritanceWhen multiple CSS rules conflict, the browser determines which rule to apply based on a priority system. This system is known as the cascade, and it consists of four main factors: Position: Rules defined later in the stylesheet generally have higher...DiscussCSS Inheritance