Rashid Ul Haqrashid-ul-haq.hashnode.dev·Jul 22, 2024How to Create Custom Layers in TensorFlow?In TensorFlow, layers are the fundamental building blocks for creating machine learning models. While TensorFlow offers a wide variety of ready-to-use built-in layers, there are situations where these standard layers are not enough to meet specific n...DiscussDeep Learning Unplugged#custom layer
Ram Kumardevopstutorial.hashnode.dev·Apr 14, 2023Solution for error: No module named 'PIL or AWS Lambda Python PIL cannot import name ‘_imaging’” Creating a custom layer for lambda function for PILWhat is aws lambda custome layer: In the context of AWS Lambda, a custom layer refers to a package of code or libraries that can be attached to a Lambda function to provide additional functionality. Custom layers allow you to separate reusable code f...Discuss·3 likes·942 readsaws lambda layer