Prasenjit·Oct 11, 2023Effortless Object Nesting with Dapper's splitOn PropertyIn C# application development, retrieving data from relational databases and mapping it to object hierarchies is a common task. Dapper, a popular micro-ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library, streamlines this process and provides a powerful feature ...644 readsC#
Hemant·Sep 14, 2023A Comprehensive Guide to Using Dapper in C#Introduction Dapper is a lightweight and efficient Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for C#. Unlike other ORMs that can be complex and require significant configuration, Dapper is designed to be simple and straightforward. It provides a conveni...170 readsC# and .NETDapper
Dikshya·Aug 16, 2023Dapper in .Net 6Dapper is a popular lightweight Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for .NET applications. It was developed by Stack Overflow to provide a simple and efficient way to work with databases while minimizing the performance overhead typically associa...Dapper
Milan Jovanović·Aug 12, 2023Mastering Dapper Relationship MappingsDapper is a lightweight object-relational mapper in .NET. It's popular because it's easy to use and fast at the same time. Dapper extends the IDbConnection interface with methods for sending SQL queries to the database. But, because of the nature of ...44 readsDapper
Line·Feb 9, 2023Implement FungibleToken and MetadataViews with CadenceThe following article is part of a series of articles that will help you build a DAO on the Flow blockchain using Cadence. As the Flow ecosystem continues to grow, the need to assuring contract and external apps interoperability increases. The develo...43 readsTutorial and code samples on building a DAO on Flow blockchainBlockchain
mazhar·Jan 15, 2023Navigating Unmapped Data: A Comparison of EF Core and DapperRecently, I've come across the news that EF Core 8.0 has introduced a new feature for querying unmapped data. This sounds like an exciting development and brings to mind a challenge I faced last year. I had to query unmapped data using EF Core and, a...438 readsentity framework
Sarmad QadriforNiftory·Jan 13, 2023Niftory Changelog - January 2023 EditionThe Niftory team wishes you a happy new year! We hope you got a chance to rejuvenate towards the end of 2022 and are raring to conquer 2023 with vigor, as we are. Our team shipped several milestone projects in Q4, and we've got some exciting work und...1 like·224 readsNiftory ChangelogChangelog
José Pablo Ramírez·Nov 12, 2022Do Yourself a Favor When Writing Connection Strings In ConfigurationHeredia, Costa Rica, 2022-11-12 2023-08-19 UPDATE: I see this article trending a bit, and I wonder if you would also like to do this in Node projects. If yes, refer to the wj-config package. This configuration package mimics the capabilities of .N...6 likes·144 readsentity framework
Craig·Jun 17, 2022Dapper One-To-Many Multiple TablesToday I was working on using Dapper to use a SELECT statement from an Order table but to JOIN to two other tables which were the Suppliers table and the OrderItems table. The reason for this is to produce for a report list of all orders, the supplier...306 readsGeneral BlogSQL
Geo J·Nov 9, 2019Using Dapper For Data Access In ASP.NET Core ApplicationsFor most of the .NET developers out there the primary choice of data access will be Microsoft's object-relational mapper Entity Framework. But there are other ORM tools available for .NET applications as well. One such popular ORM tool is Dapper. Dap...250 reads.NET