Rickclean-code.dev·Dec 18, 2024Domain-Driven Design Error Handling Using Result PatternIntroduction When implementing Domain-Driven Design (DDD), one of the most challenging aspects is handling domain errors effectively. While traditionally, the approach has been to throw exceptions from the domain layer, this article presents a more e...48 readsDDD
Dmitry Dezuk (Dezhurnyuk)dmitrydezuk.com·Dec 14, 2024Implementing ValidationIf you have completed domain mode, your application is almost ready. You can start solving problems that your modeled domain was designed for right after. Just put a thin layer of logic in an application service API reading user input and communicati...10 likesDDD
Dmitry Dezuk (Dezhurnyuk)dmitrydezuk.com·Dec 12, 2024Implementing an EntityAfter completing the code for all Value Objects held by a customer, we can revisit the DDD-friendly model of the Customer Entity itself, which will impose one more invariant addition to all the invariants Value Objects are encapsulating. The domain e...DDD
Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Dec 7, 2024Rethinking Software ArchitectureSoftware architecture is not just about choosing a structure for your application; it's about creating a foundation that aligns with your project’s goals, your team’s capabilities, and your organization’s resources. Yet, the industry often reduces th...monolithic architecture
Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Dec 6, 2024A Practical Guide for Software Engineers to Understand and Tackle Complex Business DomainsThe complexity of modern software systems is an undeniable challenge for developers and organizations alike. As systems scale, they must accommodate evolving requirements, integrate with disparate technologies, and remain adaptable. Without a robust ...business
Dmitry Dezuk (Dezhurnyuk)dmitrydezuk.com·Dec 5, 2024Implementing a Value ObjectIn the previous article, I introduced the concept of Value Objects as handy wrappers around primitive C# types. These objects ensure that they represent a valid value and enforce Customer invariants, which are the explicit and implicit rules that are...value objects
Charles Griffinchazbit.hashnode.dev·Nov 25, 2024Where On Earth Part 1Problem Summary In this 2 part tutorial series, we will build a software package that uses an api to take two addresses and determine the distance apart. This can be used in a variety of applications. For example, determining the optimal distance in ...30 readsstructs in php
ByteScrum TechnologiesforByteScrum Technologiesblog.bytescrum.com·Nov 18, 2024A Comprehensive Guide to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) with a Practical Folder Structure ExampleDomain-Driven Design (DDD) is a software development approach that places the primary focus on the business domain and the core business logic, aiming to build a system that truly reflects the complex reality of the business it supports. This approac...10 likes·140 readsDDD
Cyrille N'DAH23cyy.hashnode.dev·Nov 18, 2024Transition vers un code structuré et maintenable avec le DDD, TDD et la Clean ArchitectureDans notre dernier article, nous avons exploré les bases de la programmation procédurale, de la programmation séquentielle et de la programmation orientée objet (POO). Ces paradigmes forment les fondations du développement de logiciels, offrant une s...DDD
Hans L'Hoesthans.lhoest.eu·Nov 14, 2024Notes on TDD & DDD From the Ground Up Live CodingSome short notes from Chris Simon's Talk TDD & DDD From the Ground Up Live Coding When choosing the right testing level, developers face an important trade-off. Higher-level tests provide better coverage for refactoring, but make it harder to pinpoin...notes