Cyrille N'·Nov 18, 2024Transition vers un code structuré et maintenable avec le DDD, TDD et la Clean ArchitectureDans notre dernier article, nous avons exploré les bases de la programmation procédurale, de la programmation séquentielle et de la programmation orientée objet (POO). Ces paradigmes forment les fondations du développement de logiciels, offrant une s...DiscussDDD
ByteScrum TechnologiesforByteScrum·Nov 18, 2024A Comprehensive Guide to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) with a Practical Folder Structure ExampleDomain-Driven Design (DDD) is a software development approach that places the primary focus on the business domain and the core business logic, aiming to build a system that truly reflects the complex reality of the business it supports. This approac...Discuss·29 readsDDD
Hans L'·Nov 14, 2024Notes on TDD & DDD From the Ground Up Live CodingSome short notes from Chris Simon's Talk TDD & DDD From the Ground Up Live Coding When choosing the right testing level, developers face an important trade-off. Higher-level tests provide better coverage for refactoring, but make it harder to pinpoin...Discussnotes
Mehdi·Nov 2, 2024Code Design: Chapter 2 - Development MethodologiesIntroduction Software development methodologies help organize and optimize the process of building software. They shape how teams approach coding, testing, and collaboration, ultimately leading to higher-quality software with lower maintenance costs....DiscussCode DesignDDD
Alberto Arroyo·Oct 27, 2024Notifying Changes with ValueObjectsThe AbstractNotifyPropertyChanged class serves as a base class to streamline the use of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, which is vital for data binding in .NET applications like WPF, UWP, and Xamarin.Forms. It offers mechanisms to register prop...DiscussUnpacking BeyondNet.DddDDD
Alberto Arroyo·Oct 20, 2024Unpacking the BeyondNet.Ddd ValueObject.csValue objects represent immutable, thread-safe, and self-contained data structures that capture business logic and invariants. By leveraging the ValueObject class, developers can create custom value objects that ensure data consistency and integrity....Discuss·32 readsUnpacking BeyondNet.Dddddd, valueobjects
Alberto Arroyo·Oct 20, 2024BeyondNet.Ddd, Understanding Value ObjectThe ValueObject class in the BeyondNet.Ddd library is a foundational element for developers implementing Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in C# and . NET. This class encapsulates the essence of DDD value objects, immutable objects identified by their value...Discuss·35 readsUnpacking BeyondNet.DddValueObjects
Tomohisa·Oct 8, 2024Enhancing Flexibility in Event Sourcing by Evolving Aggregate TypesI am Tomohisa Takaoka, CTO of the J-Tech Japan, We are currently developing Sekiban, an Event Sourcing/CQRS framework, at the company. It is an open-source framework, so we would be very happy if you could at least give it a star! Sourcing
Francesc·Sep 15, 2024You've got documentation wrongThis one is going to be fun. Keep an open mind. You finally made it! You can put the last ticket as “done” and you finally can enjoy your free time, only to see the last ticket “write documentation about that”. Or maybe that was embedded as acceptanc...DiscussClean Architecture
Muhammad·Sep 10, 2024Domain-Driven Design (DDD): A Comprehensive OverviewDomain-Driven Design (DDD) approaches software development by emphasizing underlying business domains. First coined by Eric Evans in 2003, DDD offers a set of principles and patterns to help developers create complex software systems closely aligned ...Discuss·2 likes·52 reads#Domain-Driven-Design