Angie·Dec 15, 2024Creating decision-tree / "Choose Your Own Adventure" logic in Google FormsGoogle Forms is kind of a strange topic for a tech blog, I realize, but hear me out. ;) Background/Context I’m volunteering with an organization that helps local senior citizens, and they are piloting a program that sends approved volunteers into old...53 readsNo Code
Bhavya·Oct 31, 2024Decision Tree Classification in PythonClassification is a two-step process; a learning step and a prediction step. In the learning step, the model is developed based on given training data. In the prediction step, the model is used to predict the response to given data. A Decision tree i...13 likes·95 readsMachine Learning
Omkar·Oct 9, 2024Decision Tree- Part 3: Ensemble MethodsIn previous parts of decision trees, we explored what are decision trees and how they can be used for regression as well as classification. In this blog we will see the problem with normal classification tree, and how to overcome it using various ens...5 likesThe Ultimate Machine Learning Guidedecisiontree
Omkar·Oct 6, 2024Decision Tree- Part 2: Decision Tree ClassifierIn the previous part of this series, we explored and implemented regression trees while covering the concept of decision trees. If you directly reached to this blog, I recommend you to first read part-1 of decision tree, as all basics are covered in ...The Ultimate Machine Learning GuideMachine Learning
Omkar·Oct 4, 2024Decision Tree- Part 1: Regression TreeIntroduction We’ve already explored some basic machine learning models, and now, we’ll dive into Decision Trees, one of the most popular and powerful machine learning techniques. Decision trees are not only easy to interpret but also highly effective...7 likesThe Ultimate Machine Learning Guidedecisiontreeregressor
Muhammad·Jul 18, 2024Prediksi Penyakit Jantung dengan Decision Tree ClassifierPada artikel sebelumnya, kita sudah belajar tentang decision tree untuk kasus regresi. Pada artikel ini, kita akan lanjut mempelajari Decision Tree Classifier, yang mana penggunaannya adalah untuk mengelompokkan data ke dalam kategori-kategori berbed...Machine Learning
Arbash·Jul 15, 2024A Step-by-Step Guide to Random Forest in Machine LearningIntroduction Welcome to the sixth blog post in our machine learning series! Today, we will explore Random Forest, a powerful and versatile algorithm used for both classification and regression tasks. As always, we will also implement this algorithm f...Machine Learningcodedfromscratch
Richard·Jul 12, 2024What I've Been Up ToI wanted to share some exciting updates about a project I've been working on with a couple of my classmates. We've been diving deep into the world of healthcare and machine learning, specifically focusing on predicting the length of stay (LOS) for ho...Machine Learning
Meemansha·Jul 11, 2024Decision Trees AlgorithmDecision Tree is a Supervised machine learning algorithm used for performing Classification and Regression tasks. How Decision Trees Work Suppose we have an classification dataset of some Yes and No Values. This dataset contains 14 observation of wea...decisiontree
Arpan·Jun 29, 2024Employee Promotion Prediction using Decision Tree & Ensemble Learning AlgorithmsOne of the major problem any company faces is identifying the right employees for promotion. So, I looked for a human resource dataset with several input features and a boolean output feature on promotion. My final objective was to create a binary cl...308 readssklearn