Madhav·Jan 27, 2025AWS Regional vs. Multi-AZ vs. Single-AZWhen I first started exploring about the AWS services, I came up with lot of services which are provided by AWS.I thought it will be easy to remember the scope of each service initially but when I started digging more and more services, I ended up in...AWS
Munilakshmi G·Jan 2, 2025Day 68 of 100 Days : All About AWS Load BalancersIn the realm of cloud computing and DevOps, load balancing plays a pivotal role in ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and efficient distribution of incoming traffic across multiple servers. Today, let’s dive into AWS Load Balancers—their ty...Load Balancing
Sahil·Dec 25, 2024AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB): Distributing Traffic Across ServersIn today's fast-paced world of cloud computing, ensuring that your application is highly available, scalable, and fault-tolerant is crucial for delivering a smooth user experience. AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) plays a significant role in this by a...☁️ AWS CloudDevops
Chinnayya·Dec 20, 2024Network Load Balancer (NLB)The Network Load Balancer (NLB) is an AWS service designed to handle high-performance traffic at the Network Layer (Layer 4) of the OSI model. It efficiently distributes incoming TCP, UDP, and TLS traffic to targets, such as EC2 instances, containers...nlb
Chinnayya·Dec 19, 2024Application Load Balancer (ALB)An Application Load Balancer (ALB) is an AWS service that operates at the Application Layer (Layer 7) of the OSI model. It is designed to route and distribute HTTP, HTTPS, and WebSocket traffic to targets such as EC2 instances, containers, Lambda fun...26 readsELB
KALPESH·Dec 2, 2024AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)ELB distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers. Primary purpose: Optimize resource use Enhance application performance Ensure high availability by preventing any single server from becoming overwhelmed with too many requests. ...AWS·Nov 28, 2024Cloud:: AWS ELB의 성능과 비용 최적화 방법오늘은 AWS 블로그 아티클에서 다룬 ELB의 비용과 성능 최적화 방법을 살펴보겠습니다. 이 글은 AWS의 Well-Architected Framework의 6가지 요소(Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Cost Optimization, Sustainability) 중에서 Cost Optimization과 Performance Efficiency 관점으...ELB
Shubham·Nov 16, 2024DevSecOps in Action: How to Secure Your CI/CD PipelineIn this blog, we’ll explore how to incorporate essential security practices into the CI/CD pipeline to create a secure, efficient, and resilient software delivery process. With a DevSecOps approach, security checks are embedded early in the pipeline,...2 likes·253 readsKubernetes
Anshul·Sep 27, 2024AWS Outage : Cloud VulnerabilityImpacted Services: Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), Elastic Container Services and other services that were dependent on ELB. Root Cause: A change in network configuration caused accumulation of registration and de-registration events for load balancers ...Vulnerability Assessment in Cloud
Shivam·Sep 19, 2024Building a 3 tier web application with AWS infrastructureIntro When building a cloud-based application, the underlying architecture and environment are just as critical as the application itself. There are many considerations when deciding on the proper architecture of your app: Scalability: How easily an...AWS