Stella·Apr 22, 2024Gleam: RaindropsProblem on Exercism pub fn convert(number: Int) -> String { } First Iteration: Pattern-matching To start, I just wanted to solve the problem and decided to use pattern-matching. pub fn convert(number: Int) -> String { case number % 3, number % 5...gleam
Stella·Apr 22, 2024Gleam: Difference of SquaresProblem on Exercism and on Project Euler pub fn square_of_sum(n: Int) -> Int {} pub fn sum_of_squares(n: Int) -> Int {} pub fn difference(n: Int) -> Int { square_of_sum(n) - sum_of_squares(n) } First Iteration: Recursion Since the square of th...gleam
Catherine·Apr 14, 2024Coding Training: How to Improve Your Coding SkillsThere's a lot that goes into becoming a better programmer, so let's just tackle one way that helps improve your programming skills today: practice, practice, practice solving problems. 😤 Practice Makes Perfect Mastering any skill takes time, and co...coding
Catherine·Apr 7, 2023April Code Challenge: JS on ExercismThough a week of April has already passed, I thought it wouldn't be too late to try to do a 3-week code challenge! As a web developer - and honestly, in pretty much any career or area of life - I feel it's important to constantly improve and sharpen ...174 readsChallengeschallenge
Travis·Apr 5, 2023Analytical April: Learning Python for Data SciencePython is a powerful programming language that has become increasingly popular over the years. It's a great language for beginners and experienced programmers alike. Its vast array of libraries and frameworks makes it an excellent choice for data sci...2 likes·125 reads#12in23 ChallengePython
Sarang·Mar 10, 20235 websites to learn Frontend-web development fasterI have been a web developer for a few years now. I have come to a complete understanding that being a frontend-web developer is undoubtedly about combining HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this article, I have curated 5 resourceful sites that will help y...1 like·32 readsWeb Development
Victoria·Jan 14, 202312in23 Challenge - Getting StartedSo a couple of hours ago, as I was going through my email, I came across an email from Exercism about a challenge titled "12 in 23." What is 12in23? It's a coding challenge designed to encourage people to try out 12 different programming languages in...48 readsexercism