Rajeev R. Sharmarajeev.dev·Dec 29, 2024Building Brew Haven: A/B Testing My Coffee Shop Dreams with DevCycleDo you love coffee? As developers, many of us jokingly claim to be "powered by coffee", and the thought of opening a quaint coffee shop someday often lingers in the back of our minds — perhaps as a post-dev career dream. When brainstorming ideas for ...1 likedevcycle
Praveen rawatpraveenbytes.hashnode.dev·Dec 24, 2024Mastering Feature Flags: A Powerful Tool for Agile DevelopmentAs software development cycles accelerate, effective and reliable deployment practices are more crucial than ever. Feature Flags—a powerful technique—allow teams to manage feature releases without relying on separate code branches or waiting for full... feature flags
Pradumna SarafforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Nov 19, 2024How to Build a Flexible API with Feature Flags Using Open Source ToolsFeature flagging has changed the paradigm of how backend developers can test and modify the things they build. With feature flags, we can enable and disable a feature or change the functionality of something on the fly with a single click (no need to...Open Source
Zayyad Muhammad Sanizayyadms.hashnode.dev·Nov 12, 2024Using OpenFeature with ConfigCatLet's say you've heard about the benefits of using feature flags for gradual feature rollouts, and you're ready to adopt them in your organization. The next step would be deciding whether to "build or buy." If you choose to develop your feature flagg... feature flags
Zayyad Muhammad Sanizayyadms.hashnode.dev·Sep 23, 2024A/B Testing with ConfigCat and Google AnalyticsSuppose you come up with an idea to improve the conversion rates on your website. You could implement the idea and roll out the changes to all users. But what happens if the idea is only good on paper and fails in reality? In cases like this, conduct...Google Analytics
Olufemi Oyedepoolufemioyedepo.hashnode.dev·Sep 16, 2024Implement feature flags using GrowthBookWhat is GrowthBook? GrowthBook is a modern, feature-rich & an open-source feature flagging and experimentation platform designed to help teams optimize product development through A/B testing and feature management. It provides tools for conducting e...146 readsVue.js
AKASH SHARMAtechbyakash.hashnode.dev·Sep 8, 2024Introducing Switchr: A Dynamic Feature Flag Management ToolSwitchr is a powerful and dynamic feature flag management tool that lets you control your features in real-time. Seamlessly manage, toggle, and test features without redeploying your code Link - https://switchr.dev-server.live Github & usage docs - h...4 likes·52 readsRedis
Nasirnasirmomin.hashnode.dev·Aug 31, 2024App Update Feature Flag with Firebase Remote ConfigMy client required a Force App Update feature in a Flutter application but preferred not to involve any server-side feature flags or backend support. This is where Firebase Remote Config becomes valuable. Firebase Remote Config acts as a feature flag...276 readsFlutter
Animesh Shrivatrishrivatri.hashnode.dev·Aug 30, 2024Are feature flag limited to booleans ?No, feature flags are not limited to just boolean values. When I got to know about feature flag I thought the application was only to toggle features for the users. { "SERVICE_1":true, "SERVICE_2":false, .... } But recently while working... feature flags
Gitar, Incgitar.hashnode.dev·Aug 15, 2024How to develop comprehensive testing infrastructureAt Gitar, we rely on a comprehensive testing infrastructure to move quickly and with high quality. The core of our initial product is a code analysis and rewrite engine that works across programming languages and frameworks. This is challenging becau...Testing