Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Aug 3, 2024The Psychology of InnovationInnovation and creativity are often celebrated as the driving forces behind technological advancements and societal progress. But what exactly fuels these creative breakthroughs? Is it sheer talent, a stroke of luck, or something more profound and sy...Discusspsychology
Andreas Wandreaswijaya.hashnode.dev·Aug 3, 2024XrmToolBox - Child Flow Trigger UpdaterBackground In complex projects, managing multiple flows can become a daunting task, especially when dealing with child flows called by more than one parent flow. Troubleshooting issues in such scenarios can be particularly challenging. A common best ...Discussxrmtoolbox
Christophe Dupontthenomadcode.tech·Jul 6, 2024Indie Log #2Ajustment to the new reality Wow 5 month already ! I am ashamed that I didn't gave news in 5 month ! Well the honest truth is that I spend a lot of time with my baby daughter and that I have no regrets about this, but I should have keep you more in t...DiscussIndie LogFlutter
Vignesh Prabhuwww.vigneshprabhu.dev·May 7, 2024Flow Terminal OperatorsIn this series of articles , we are discussing about Kotlin flows and in this article we will discuss about Flows Terminal operators Code gist can be found in https://gist.github.com/vprabhu/20bf26e73451ae9ea0876e3780537d4a Whats is Terminal Operator...DiscussKotlin FlowsTerminal Operators
Nicolas Frugoniarchitecturewithnico.hashnode.dev·Mar 29, 2024The Flow PatternThe flow pattern has a number of different names and similarities to other navigation patterns, like the Coordinator pattern, the Router pattern, and more. Its a navigation pattern that is used to orchestrate the flow of an application or a feature. ...Discussarchitecture
Felix GVfelixgv.hashnode.dev·Mar 16, 2024Flow vs Deliberate PracticeIn his latest podcast, Andrew Huberman interviewed Cal Newport. One of the many things they discussed in the interview is the contrast between the state of flow, and deliberate practice. Cal says that some people have been trying to reconcile these t...Discuss·151 readsdeliberate
neelam rakeshrakeshneelam.hashnode.dev·Mar 7, 2024How to Log Emails to Object Records in Salesforce Using FlowsSelecting the Object and Trigger for the Flow Configuring the Initial Flow Settings Start with a 'Record-Triggered Flow'. Choose the Target object to trigger the flow. Set the flow to activate 'when a record is created or updated'. Retrieving t...Discuss·1 like·27 readsEmail tracking
John Vesterjohnjvester.hashnode.dev·Feb 26, 2024Build a Flow Collectibles Portal Using Cadence (Part 2)Welcome to the final step in creating your Collectibles portal! (for part 1, see here) In this part, we'll focus on building the frontend—the last piece of the puzzle. Here's what we'll achieve: Connect the Flow Wallet. Initialize your account and ...Discussflow
John Vesterjohnjvester.hashnode.dev·Feb 13, 2024Build a Digital Collectibles Portal Using Flow and Cadence (Part 1)In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to build a website for collecting digital collectibles (or NFTs) on the blockchain Flow. We'll use the smart contract language Cadence along with React to make it all happen. We'll also learn about Flow, its advantag...DiscussWeb Development
Rami Jamesramijames.hashnode.dev·Feb 6, 2024Composability in Flow: Unlocking Technical and Business OpportunitiesComposability in blockchains refers to a framework that permits the interaction and interconnection of discrete elements, especially smart contracts. This kind of modular ecosystem is important as it helps programmers utilize existing components to b...Discussflow