Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Jan 2, 2025Genuary2025_LayersCirclesLayeringLayers The prompt for Genuary 2025 Day2 is Layers Upon Layers and Day 24 is Circles LayeringLayers takes a coded layered remake in Hydra of my first sketch of Genuary2025 while making audio out of various Circles and their rolling speed coded...Genuary2025JavaScript
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Oct 29, 2024Mathober2024_CriticalCriticalCubes For my 22nd sketch of #Mathober2024 coded in LiveCodeLab & Sonicpi, CriticalCubes will be using the 20th and 27th of #Mathober2024: Dodecicosacron & Critical. The visuals coded in LiveCodeLab is an attempt at the Dodecicosacron while th...Mathober2024geometry
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Oct 15, 2024Mathober2024_EllipticCurvingInto3D For my Twelfth sketch of Mathober2024, CurvingInto3D is coded in Desmos with elliptic based equations. Elliptic is the 26th Prompt for this year Mathober. Poetry Shaking and Flipping Tilting and twisting Spinning and Tipping Over and Un...Mathober2024desmos
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Oct 3, 2024Mathober2024_CircuitCompressedNoMore For my third sketch of Mathober coded in LiveCodeLab , CompressedNoMore will be using the 21st prompt of Mathober 2024: Curvilinear and 17th prompt: Circuit*. This is done by making individual floating pieces move in various curves t...Mathober2024mathober2024
evaristo.cre-versing.hashnode.dev·Aug 20, 2024Making recursive tangent circles inside circles and animate themSome people find circles a fascinating shape. Circles are surrounded by mathematical paradigms. For example: did you know that even if circles are closed curves they still are ruled by one of the most interesting irrational numbers, Pi, which is a tr...tangent-circles
Moustafa Khalilsharpbim.hashnode.dev·Jun 10, 2024Cast shadowShadows indeed add a beautiful depth to objects. We architects love casting shadows on buildings; it enhances the perception of the structure and adds an artistic touch. I wondered if it was possible to extract the geometry of shadows for further ana...61 reads#shadow
Clark Grayclarkgray.hashnode.dev·Jun 5, 2024Using Spherical Geometry to Show that Early Mosques of Islam were NOT facing Mecca.I first began to doubt the historical validity of Mecca when reading the works of Dan Gibson, an archaeologist who grew up in the Middle East. By the Jordanian Government's authority, he was tasked with researching and producing a historical report o...162 reads#Mecca
Nilay Savantblog.nilay.cc·May 29, 2024Introducing Pmetra: Parametric Modelling for Bevy with Truck CADA few weeks ago, I released "Pmetra" - a parametric modelling plugin for the Bevy Engine using the Truck CAD kernel. Pmetra allows developers to generate 3D models parametrically using Truck's CAD APIs. In short, you define a set of parameters (e.g....10 likes·86 readsbevy
Chris Dourisdigitalcreations.hashnode.dev·May 12, 2024Day 87/100 100 Days of CodeI worked on creating the ball. SDL alone can't generate circles. I used the solution from this post to draw it. Ball structure struct Ball { float x; float y; float radius; }; Generate Ball void GenerateBall(struct Ball ball, SDL_Rendere...100 Days of CodeC
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Apr 24, 2024NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 Day 24 : Cinquain Once MoreGeometricalCinquains2 For the 24th day of NaPoWriMo / NaPoGenMo, "GeometricalCinquains" coded in LiveCodeLab takes the forms of a Quintain(Any Poem with five lines) and a CInquain(A Poem that follows the form 2,4,6,8,2). Aided with OBS Video LiveCo...NaPoGenMo X NaPoWriMo 2024JavaScript