Vibhuti·Aug 28, 2024Day 13 Task: Advance Git & GitHub for DevOps EngineersGit Branching Branches are a core concept in Git that allow you to isolate development work without affecting other parts of your repository. Each repository has one default branch, and can have multiple other branches. You can merge a branch into an...#gitchallenge
Nilkanth·Feb 7, 2024Day 10 - Mastering Advanced Git & GitHub 🌟Navigating Git Branches 🌲🚀 Understanding Branches 🤔🌿 Branches in Git are like different storylines in your coding adventure. Each branch lets you develop features or fix bugs without disturbing the main storyline. Think of it as a playground for...90 Days Of Devops ChallengesDevops
Shrishail·Jan 18, 2024Git Revert and Git Reset: Explained with Examples:Git Revert: git revert is used to create a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by a previous commit. It's a safe way to undo changes while preserving the commit history. Git Reset: git reset is used to move the current branch pointer to a d...AWS
Moiz·Aug 6, 2023Day 10: Advance Git & GitHub for DevOps EngineersGit Branching Git branching allows for a structured and organized approach to software development. By working on isolated branches, developers can avoid conflicts, experiment with new features, and maintain a stable main codebase. It's a powerful te...advanced git
Suraj·Aug 4, 2023Advance Git & GitHub for DevOps Part-IGit Branching🌿 In Git, a branch is a new/separate version of the main repository. Use a branch to isolate development work without affecting other branches in the repository. Each repository has one default branch and can have multiple other branche...advanced git
Shakshi·Aug 3, 2023Day-10 Advanced Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers🌟👩💻Git Branching and Its Strategy? Imagine you and your team are working on a cloud-based application, and the main version of your application is hosted on a cloud server, like Amazon Web Services (AWS). This main version is your "master" branch, ...1 like·70 readsGitHub
Bhuvanesh·Jul 31, 2023Git & GitHub - Temporary Commits & Rewriting HistoryTemporarily Commits When working with Git, it is sometimes useful to temporarily store your modified, tracked files so that you can change branches without losing your changes. This can be done using the git stash command. The git stash command will ...196 readsGit
Ritul·Apr 3, 2023Part 3-Advance Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers.Types of Repositories Github:- Bare Repositories (Central Repo) Store and Share only. All Central Repositories are Bare Repo. Git:- Non-Bare Repositories (Local Repo) Where we can modify the files. All local Repositories are Non-Bare Repositori...3 likes·40 readsgitreset
Neha·Jan 18, 2023Git & Git Hub AdvanceLet's hand on Git advanced commands that are very useful as a DevOps Engineer. For this, firstly understand the concept of Git branching. Branches in Git In industries, there is not a single person in a department who is taking care of everything, bu...1 like·181 readscherry-pick
Ritesh Kumar·Jan 12, 2023Git Advanced-2Git Revert & Reset Git Revert What is Git Revert? $ git revert commitID : As the name suggests it is something like going back. In the context of Git, revert works as an undo mechanism. It helps to go back or undo a step if made wrong however, it is ...64 readsGitHub