Steven J. MunnforSpacerunners Tech·Feb 10, 2025Serving Stable Diffusion XL on Google CloudServing outputs from generative AI models is notoriously resource-intensive1. At Space Runners, we are primarily focused on diffusion models for generating or modifying images, which we apply to fashion items. Visitors should be excited to create wit...31 readsAI·Feb 6, 2025Deploy HashiCorp Vault on GKE with Consul & Auto-Unseal (GCP KMS)Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have the following: Google Cloud SDK: Installed and authenticated (gcloud auth login) Helm: Installed locally kubectl: configured to interact with your GKE cluster A Google Cloud Project with billing ena...gke
Tim·Feb 6, 2025Application Security in GKE EnterpriseThis is the ninth post in a series exploring the features of GKE Enterprise, formerly known as Anthos. GKE Enterprise is an additional subscription service for GKE that adds configuration and policy management, service mesh and other features to supp...GKE Enterprisebinaryauth
Uzair Ahmed·Feb 1, 2025Building a Scalable Web Application with Firebase Hosting, GKE, and Cloud Load Balancer on Google CloudINTRODUCTION Building scalable and secure web applications has never been easier, thanks to the robust suite of services provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Among these services, Firebase Hosting, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and Cloud Load B...GCP
Suda·Jan 23, 2025You Can't Use GKE External Name Service with Private Zone Cloud DNSCNAME Chasing is the root issue In one of my projects, there was a requirement to be able to route between a GKE backend and a GCS backend. Since life was easier if the External Load Balancer was just created with GKE’s Ingress resource, we decided t...#gcs·Dec 27, 2024Configuring Kong Ingress Controller on GKE to Use an HTTP Load BalancerWhen using the Kong Ingress Controller on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), the default setup often creates a TCP load balancer. However, many use cases require an HTTP(S) load balancer to manage traffic at the application layer. In this guide, we’ll w...Kubernetes kong
Tim·Nov 29, 2024Multi-cluster Networking with Service Mesh in GKEThis is the seventh post in a series exploring the features of GKE Enterprise, formerly known as Anthos. GKE Enterprise is an additional subscription service for GKE that adds configuration and policy management, service mesh and other features to su...96 readsGKE Enterprisegke
Tim·Nov 18, 2024GKE, Istio and Managed Service MeshThis is the sixth post in a series exploring the features of GKE Enterprise, formerly known as Anthos. GKE Enterprise is an additional subscription service for GKE that adds configuration and policy management, service mesh and other features to supp...93 readsGKE Enterprisegke
Amit·Oct 30, 2024How to Deploy a Three-Tier Application on GKE: A Step-by-Step GuideHello everyone, today we will deploy a three-tier application on GKE using Jenkins and explore the concept of three-tier architecture. In this article, you will learn how to create a CI/CD pipeline (Jenkinsfile) and deploy it to GKE through Jenkins. ...DevOps ProjectsDevops
Himanshu·Oct 28, 2024Optimizing Kubernetes Auto-Scaling: How Readiness and Liveness Probes Enhance Application StabilityApplication Consider a case where a modern microservices application, with complex external integrations, large datasets, and extensive configuration, is deployed on GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). This application should auto-scale horizontally base...Kubernetes