Eric FriedmanforGotta Go·Jan 23, 2023It's Time To Ship.In 2020, Marc Andreessen published a profound essay in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that became a rallying cry for startups called; It's Time To Build. In it, he discusses the importance of building various businesses, from housing, education, m...11 likes·42 readsshipping
Eric FriedmanforGotta Go·Jan 16, 2023The slow-burn startup.When setting out to build side projects that generate revenue, my partner and I prioritized three things above all else; solving a real problem, researching and understanding what customers want, and creating a sustainable business. The purpose behin...2 likes·29 readsBootstrap·Sep 15, 2022Load Balancing - MQTT Broker Clustering Part 1This post gives a quick introduction to MQTT message broking, the challenges of clustering, and then load balancing. MQTT the Protocol Maybe you are not that familiar with MQTT protocol, you probably know HTTP protocol very well. Like HTTP, MQTT work...Load Balancing
Eric FriedmanforGotta Go·Jun 16, 2022The Freelance Engineering SlogFreelancing as an engineer is great. You can set your own hours, your own rates, and work on things that you care about. But let’s talk about what you need to do to get there and start coding. Before your fingers hit your laptop beachside in Fiji y...1 like·106 readsFreelancing