·Feb 14, 2025🚀 Getting Started with Gradle Contributions for GSoC💡 Introduction Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an incredible opportunity for students and early-career developers to gain hands-on experience in open-source development under expert mentorship. One of the most impactful organizations to contribute t...gradle
Spandan·Feb 10, 2025Containerization of a Java based microservice#docker #devops 🚢 Containerizing a Java Microservice 🏗️ This is the Ad microservice from OpenTelemetry. 🔗 🚀 Easy Steps to Run the Microservice 🛠️ (Usually provided by developers) 👨💻 🚀 Multi-Stage Docker Build for a Java App (using Gradle...Devops
Sebastian·Feb 7, 2025DX; Deep Debugging and my new favorite System PropertyI think nobody here would disagree with me, saying that 'good Developer Experience (DX) is key to successful projects and teams'. Nice tests, reliable IDE integration and smooth CI are obvious. Sometimes, however, things get dirty: We do have complic...1 like·346 readsdebugging
Ahmad·Feb 6, 2025Set up Ghidra on Macbook.There are many guides and setups for Ghidra on Macbooks (and even for Windows). But now, we only want to focus on setting up this reverse-engineering software on Macbooks. First, go to Ghidra's official website ( or their GitH...ghidra
Yuna·Jan 25, 2025The Hidden Costs of Gradle(Music: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer) Introduction In the rush to embrace shiny, modern tools, the software development community has found itself entangled in a web of complexity, maintenance nightmares, and hidden pitfalls. One of the most...Developer
Sai·Jan 21, 2025Maven Build ToolIn this blog, we will see what a maven is and why we need maven Let’s say we have got a requirement to build an application ., as per requirement we finished the coding part. For the application to run, we need application servers like tomcat , JBoss...maven
Vyacheslav·Jan 19, 2025Using github packages in Gradle and Maven projectsGithub packages is an easy way to publish current snapshot versions. The biggest problem with it is access token requirement for accessing published packages (no free access). Yes, I know, there is a super simple jitpack for this, but it can’t be use...Github Packages
Lucas Ná·Jan 8, 2025Resolvendo problema: Flutter + Android Studio + JDK 21Se o seu projeto Flutter estiver utilizando uma versão do Gradle inferior à 8, é provável que você enfrente problemas ao usar o Android Studio 2024.2. Isso ocorre porque essa versão do Android Studio agora utiliza, por padrão, o JDK 21. Para solucion...Flutter
Kaval·Dec 25, 2024Troubleshooting Android Errors During React Native Setup and LaunchIf you are facing this error while install or run your React Native application on your mobile phone. Than you just have to Turn on Developer option on your mobile and allow USB debugging ✔️ , and allow to Install via USB ✔️ And make sure your mobi...React Native
Sharon·Dec 14, 2024【2024】Android Hilt 安裝指南:使用 Kotlin DSL 和 Version Catalog 的現代配置本文介紹如何使用現代化方式安裝 Hilt。快速開始,請按照以下步驟執行: 安裝流程 版本資訊 目前已驗證的版本組合: 組件版本備註 AGP8.7 Kotlin1.9.21使用相容 Compose 版本 KSP1.9.21-1.0.15使用對應 Kotlin 版本 Hilt2.48AGP 7.0+ 要求 JDK17AGP 8.0+ 要求 檔案架構圖 app/ ├── src/ │ ├── main/ │ │ ├── java/com/example/app/...Android Dev Guidehilt