Omkar·Oct 1, 2024Classification Models Part-2: Exploring LDA and KNNIntroduction In the first part, we explored what a classification model is, using logistic regression as an example, along with the confusion matrix and different performance evaluation methods. In this article, we'll dive into two additional classif...10 likesThe Ultimate Machine Learning Guide#ClassificationModels
Emeron·Sep 22, 2024Model Selection in Machine Learning: GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV, and TPOTIn machine learning, selecting the right model and tuning its hyperparameters is a critical step toward achieving optimal performance. Several techniques exist to assist in this process, ranging from exhaustive searches like GridSearchCV to more rand...randomsearchcv
Ali·Jun 19, 2024Finding the Best Model For You - A Guide to Grid Search CVI remember first starting out as a data scientist and manually changing hyper-parameters for hours. It was frustrating. It was time-consuming. Sometimes I would change the model all-together. That was until I started using GridSearchCV. What is GridS...sgd
Akhil·Jul 9, 2023GridSearch: For hyperparameter TuningWhile preparing any machine learning model, you must be thinking that there are many parameters for that model. The thought of selecting a value for those parameters which can impact the most to the performance of the model. Now, we can have a range ...28 readsMachine Learning
Robin·Jul 25, 2022Hyperparameters Tuning for Linear Classifiers in Machine LearningA critical phase in machine learning practice is hyperparameter tuning(HP). The performance of ML algorithms’ prediction can be significantly impacted by HP tuning. An ML algorithm’s HPs are often configured through a process of trial and error. It c...linearregression