Harsh Tiwariharshexe.hashnode.dev·Aug 16, 2024Linear RegressionLinear regression is a very important concept of machine learning. It helps in finding the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable As for the definition of Linear Regression. It can be defined as a statistical method us...DiscussMachine Learning
Ayodele Adeniyithe-ayodele-adeniyi.hashnode.dev·Aug 14, 2024Predicting House Prices: How Size Influences Market ValueIn this project, say I worked for a client who wanted to create a model to predict apartment prices in Buenos Aires, focusing on properties under $500,000 USD. To streamline the data importing and cleaning process, I wrote a custom function to ensure...Discuss·27 readsprediction
Rahul Sainirahulsainy.hashnode.dev·Aug 13, 2024Mathematical Guide For Linear Regression (Simple) With Practical ImplementationLinear regression is considered the fundamental and primary component of machine learning within the regression model of supervised learning. In this Article we will look into the mathematical intuition and formulas behind the linear regression mode...DiscussMachine Learning
Shiv IyerProshiviyer.hashnode.dev·Aug 6, 2024How to Tune Linux Thread Operations for Optimal ClickHouse PerformanceTuning Linux thread operations is critical for optimizing ClickHouse performance. Here are detailed steps and best practices to achieve this: 1. CPU and Scheduler Settings CPU Affinity Bind Threads to Specific CPUs: Use taskset or cset to bind Click...Discuss·32 readsClickHouse
Tusmine Ridhatusmineridhaa.hashnode.dev·Aug 2, 2024Understanding Hypothesis in Linear Regression: A Simple ExplanationIn supervised learning, you start with fixed inputs and outputs. By running your data through a learning algorithm, you create a hypothesis—a model's "brain" that makes its own inputs and outputs based on the training data. What is a Hypothesis? A hy...DiscussMachine Learning
Dirk Hierolddirkhierold.hashnode.dev·Aug 1, 2024Day 1: Linear Regression from ScratchIch versuche das Gelernte aus dem Online Coursera Kurs "Machine Learning Specialisation" von Andrew Ng gleich in die Praxis umzusetzen. Daher der Versuch Lineare Regression from Scratch zu implementieren. Los gehts. # prompt: importiere numpy und ein...Discusslinearregression
Rudra Sarkarrudra-sarkar.hashnode.dev·Jul 27, 2024Rethinking Row space and Column space in the Data WayHi everyone, welcome to my blog. In this blog, I have addressed a very basic concept of linear algebra: row space and column space. While there are a huge amount of resources that address these concepts, I have shared my perspective, and I have tried...Discuss·64 readsArtificial Intelligence
Muhammad Ihsanemhaihsan.hashnode.dev·Jul 10, 2024Prediksi Biaya Asuransi dengan Multiple Linear RegressionPendahuluan Sebelumnya kita telah belajar untuk melakukan prediksi menggunakan Linear Regression dengan satu variabel. Namun pada kenyataannya seringkali kita tidak bisa bergantung pada satu variabel independen saja. Oleh karena itu, kali ini kita ak...DiscussSeri Belajar Machine Learninglinearregression
Labhesh Phulllabheshphull.hashnode.dev·Jul 9, 2024Rainfall Prediction Model in Python Using Machine LearningPredicting Rainfall: A Data-Driven Approach Rainfall prediction plays a crucial role in various sectors, from agriculture to urban planning. In this post, I'm excited to share my journey in developing a rainfall prediction model using machine learnin...DiscussMachine Learning
Muhammad Ihsanemhaihsan.hashnode.dev·Jul 9, 2024Linear Regression dengan Dummy DataPendahuluan Salah satu algoritma paling dasar dalam machine learning adalah Linear Regression. Linear Regression merupakan algoritma yang digunakan untuk memodelkan hubungan antara variabel independen (feature) dan variabel dependen (target), caranya...DiscussSeri Belajar Machine LearningPython