Mohammed·Dec 31, 2024How I got into GSoC 2024What is GSoC? If you are reading this, then chances are you already know what Google Summer of Code is and how it works. You might want to check out their official site for the perfect explanation if you don't. In brief, GSoC is an open-source progra...gsoc·Oct 24, 2024Creating a PDF Template for AsyncAPI Specifications Using ReactAsyncAPI is an open-source specification for describing asynchronous APIs. Creating a template for AsyncAPI involves defining the structure and content of your asynchronous API. Understand the AsyncAPI Specification Before creating a template for Gen...Open Source
Philipp·Oct 4, 2024Reflecting on GSoC 2024Achievements, Lessons, and Tips for Future Success An exciting summer has come to a close for stdlib with our first participation in Google Summer of Code (GSoC). GSoC is an annual program run by Google and a highlight within the open source communi...JavaScript
Khushal·Sep 30, 2024GSOC RoadmapIntroduction I am Khushal Agrawal, I have completed Google Summer of Code ‘24 under Inkscape. You can find my project’s link here. In this blog, I will explain how you can get into the upcoming Google Summer of Code, from explaining what is open sour...50 likes·139 readsgsoc2024
Aarav·Sep 17, 2024How I got selected for Google Summer of Code'24 and Summer of Bitcoin' 24Introduction Open source means participating in the development and improvement of software whose source code is freely available to the public. This involves collaborating with other developers, submitting code changes, fixing bugs, adding new featu...105 readsgsoc
Bishal·Aug 26, 2024GSoC 2024 Project : AgroNota - Empowering Agriculture Through Machine Learning ⚡Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an annual program by Google that offers students (above the age of 18) worldwide the opportunity to work on open-source software projects. Students gain real-world coding experience while collaborating with established...185 readsGoogle summer of code
Bishal·Aug 26, 2024GSoC 2024: A Summer of Learning, Coding, and GrowthAbout Me I'm Bishal Das, a Second Year B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering student from India. I first discovered GSoC through YouTube videos while I was exploring the world of open-source projects. The concept of contributing to real-world proje...573 readsgsoc2024
Manpreet·Aug 25, 2024GSOC Report: Affinity Designer Import Extension for Inkscape (Inkaf)Project Summary This summer, under the guidance of my mentor Jonathan Neuhauser, I (Manpreet Singh) developed an Inkscape extension to import Affinity Designer files, using Python. The extension is already included in the beta2 prerelease and will be...690 readsInkscape·Aug 25, 2024GSoC 2024 Final ReportIn this report, I will talk about my experiences during the latter half of my GSoC project, as well as my thoughts on the entire experience. My previous midterm report, where I talk about my experiences in the first half, can be found here. I recomme...gsoc2024
Rohan·Aug 23, 2024Week 8,9 & 10 - GSOC 2024This blog post covers my contributions to the project "Prior Elicitation (PreliZ)" with ArviZ during the eighth, ninth, and tenth weeks of GSoC 2024. Work Done Fix issues in distributions where = None for PyMC distributions. Add B...gsoc