Carol·Mar 16, 2024Hello World, I'm Carol D'silvaFirstly, I'm Carol Dsilva, your friendly neighborhood tech enthusiast and second-year Information Science Engineering student at Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Ever since I was a tech-savvy 15-year-old, I've been captivated by...2 likes·28 readsHello World
Subrat Kumar·Feb 18, 2024Hello-world by SubratEverything begins as an experiment. And here I begin my blogging journey @ hashnode with this naive hello-world blog. Here I want to introduce me to the readers in short. I am Subrat. I am currently working as software engineer, started my fulltime c...Intro
v·Jan 10, 2024welcome to my first bloghashnode is a great blog platform with clean style and powerful features. You can bind your own domain and add a Buy me a coffee Widget on every article.30 readshello
Teh Weiqing,·Nov 17, 2023Hello Hashnode First Blog PostHello hashnode, first blog post here on this new platform. I am a UI developer, Designer and Aspiring Game Dev. Curious about learning, VR, Startups and Web Dev. Blog on Hashnode I have been looking for a blog host after changed its pri...Hello World
Dick HardtforHellō·Nov 13, 2023Hellō Auto ConfigI have configured the popular social login providers for numerous applications over the years. Despite knowing a few things about identity, I find the configuration process tedious and confusing, and when talking to other developers, they have simila...67 readshello
Dick HardtforHellō·Oct 20, 2023Hellō `localhost`A challenge when developing against any of the large Social Login providers such as Google is that for security reasons[1], they don't support using http://localhost, which makes doing local application development that uses these providers challengi...44 readsOpenID Connect
Furkan Eşref·Sep 4, 2023Hello and Welcome!Hello folks, I am Furkan and this is my blog for my technical life journey - I have another general thoughts blog too I will share this later. Firstly, who I am? As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I am Furkan, and my full name is Furkan Eşref Yaz...introduction
Muhammad Qasim·Feb 20, 2023Hello World!!!Welcome to my first blog post! As a programmer, I couldn't resist making my first post a classic "Hello world!!!" program. It is to mark the start of my blogging journey which I can look back to after years to have some idea that how much I have grow...1 like·35 readsHello World
Dóra·Jan 17, 2023Hello! Do you speak Code?I studied linguistics at the university but my degree lost its usefulness when I became a trailing spouse. I couldn't get a job in all those foreign countries since I only spoke my native language and English fluently. And I didn't have time to maste...hello