Rhoda Oduro-Nyarkorhodalee.hashnode.dev·Feb 12, 2025Introduction to PythonIntroduction Python is a general purpose programming language that is widely known for its simplicity and versality. It is beginner-friendly and is applicable in a wide range of fields. It has an easy to understand syntax and extensive library suppor...1 like·40 readsPython ProgrammingPython
Pooja Rautawspart3.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2025Introduction to Cloud Services ☁️🚀Cloud services have completely transformed how businesses deploy and manage applications. They offer flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiency, making traditional on-premises infrastructure a thing of the past. In this blog, we’ll break down the ...introduction cloud services
Adarsh Dubeyblog.adarshdubey.com·Jan 28, 2025First Steps Towards Learning Machine LearningHey there 👋🏽, A lot of my classmates/people who follow me on Twitter have been asking me how to get started in machine learning, so if you’re wondering the same, this guide is for you! There are hundreds of guides online, so why should I read this ...Machine Learning & PythonMachine Learning
Minh Thông Lêcloudsec1030.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2025Introduction To My Cloud Security BlogWhen I moved abroad, one of my biggest priorities became finding my passion. The pursuit felt exhilarating and, at times, daunting. After so many self-study sessions, I’ve explored a multitude of fields: namely data science, quant finance, algorithmi...introduction
Christopher Changprogrammingwithchris.hashnode.dev·Jan 15, 2025Hello hashnode!My first blog post, just wanted to say hi! I’m Chris, a software developer based in Los Angeles who loves food and is always exploring and on the lookout for delicious places to eat. Living in LA is a HUGE blessing in that regard as we have such an a...1 likeintroduction
Albert Kipchirchirkipchirchiralb.hashnode.dev·Jan 12, 2025A Warm Welcome to New Coders and a Quick Dive into Learning Programming!Hello there! Welcome to the exciting world of coding. I am thrilled to be your guide as we embark on this learning journey together. A special shout-out to all of you joining me at Eldohub Academy this week, and also to the online community of learne...96 readsJavaScript
Umesh Pardeshinet-series-day-1.hashnode.dev·Jan 6, 2025.Net Series Day 1Why Do We Need MS .NET? The .NET Framework is a software development framework designed by Microsoft. It acts as a platform for building, deploying, and running applications, providing developers with tools and libraries for various programming tasks...Microsoft
Likhith SPlikhithsp.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2025An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms for Complete BeginnersIntroduction Have you ever wondered how Google suggests search results in seconds, or how Instagram shows you the photos you might like? The answer lies in the clever use of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), the backbone of efficient computing. I...DSA
Babatunde Omodolapocloud-code-and-curiosity.hashnode.dev·Dec 26, 2024Curiosity in the Clouds: My Journey into Cloud ComputingI don’t know where to begin or how to end this, but I’m scribbling this down anyway because it’s time to share my journey into the fascinating world of cloud computing This blog marks the beginning of a series where I’ll share everything I’m learning...10 likesloveandcloud
Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Dec 17, 2024Introduction to Linear and Logistic Regression in PythonMachine learning often seems intimidating at first glance, but at its core, it builds upon mathematical concepts we're already familiar with. Let's demystify two fundamental regression techniques through their mathematical foundations. Linear Regress...5 likes·804 readsMachine Learning