Jinali Ghogharijinali.hashnode.dev·Mar 22, 2024Dart Anonymous Functions: Higher-Order Functions with CollectionsAn anonymous function in Dart is like named function but they do noy have names associated with it. An anonymous function can have zero or more parameters with optional type annotations. In dart most of the functions are named functions we can also ...DartDart
Nada Pivceviccodingdiaries.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 2024Jest Unit Testing - Part 1While unit-testing my app, I got stuck while trying to mock a few external libraries. I list them here in case someone else runs into similar issues. In this first post of the series, I'll start with testing the auth middleware by learning how to moc...Jest testing challengeshigh order functions
Rivu Chakrabortyrivuchk.hashnode.dev·Mar 24, 2019Basics of Functional Programming with Kotlin (1 of 3)So you're interested in functional programming and want to learn it, great. In case you are still confused about whether to use/learn functional programming or not and what benefits it'll serve to you / your performance overall, then let's get it sor...FP