Puneet Chhabrapuneetchhabra.hashnode.dev·Dec 20, 2024Designing and Implementing a Scalable Notification SystemDesigning and implementing a notification system that can send various types of notifications (e.g., email, SMS, push notifications) based on user preferences. Quick Links:System Design VideoProject Demonstration VideoIt is recommended to go through ...95 readsJava
Subhahu Jainlldcoding.com·Dec 18, 2024Design (LLD) Coupon System For Zepto - Machine Coding InterviewAsked in LLD Interview for SDE-2 Problem Statement: Design a Coupon Recommendation System for Zepto that fulfills the following requirements: Key Requirements: Coupon Recommendation: Recommend applicable coupons for a given order. Evaluate rules d...1.2K readszepto
Prajakta Khatriprajaktakhatri.hashnode.dev·Oct 13, 2024API GatewayIt is an API management tool that sits between a client and a collection of backend services. It serves as a single entry point for all API requests, offering a unified interface to access different services and data. By separating client applicati...apigateway
Prajakta Khatriprajaktakhatri.hashnode.dev·Oct 6, 2024CachingCaching is a common method for keeping your data closer to users, which speeds up response times compared to the usual access time. It involves saving frequently accessed data in a location that can be accessed quickly and easily. The main purpose o...caching
Prajakta Khatriprajaktakhatri.hashnode.dev·Oct 6, 2024Load BalancingLoad balancer is critical component of system. It manages the load or data across multiple servers, machines or database servers. It tracks the status of each of servers within the system and, based on their responses, distributes the load evenly. W...48 readsLoad Balancing
Kunal Arorakrishanblogs.hashnode.dev·Oct 4, 2024Idempotency in Kafka ProducerHow Producer and Broker Communication works? Whenever a Producer send a message to Broker , Broker will in return send an ACK to producer and log the message into the respective partition .In case producer doesn’t successfully received the ACK produc...1 like·152 readskakfa
Kunal Arorakrishanblogs.hashnode.dev·Oct 2, 2024How to Manage Data Consistency with Multiple Worker Instances?Problem Statement Let’s consider a scenario where we have a single service instance running a cron job. This job checks the database for any entries with a status of COMPLETED. When it finds such entries, it performs the necessary application code c...1 like·111 readsdisturbted locking
Manish Goyalmanishtechblog.hashnode.dev·Aug 30, 2024Concurrency Control in Distributed Systems:Problem : When multiple users try to book the same seat. Critical section: In which we are trying to access shared resources. 1st Solution: Use synchronized blocks for the critical section. This can work on a single machine. But this will not work in...System Design
Venketesh Pandavenketeshpanda.hashnode.dev·Aug 17, 2024System Design 101 : FundamentalsLet's understand the basics: So, let us consider a common friend of ours Zuck who is an amazing programmer who loves to build awesome web applications. He was casually showing off one of the applications to his friends and one of them, Billy said "He...92 readshld
Sai Aneeshlhcee3.hashnode.dev·Aug 9, 2024High-Level Architecture of NetflixNetflix, a behemoth in the streaming industry, has revolutionized how we consume content. Behind the seamless user experience lies a complex architecture designed to handle millions of concurrent users, massive amounts of data, and rapid content deli...netflix