Harsh Vardhan Goswamiblog.theboring.name·Sep 6, 2024App Subscription Paywall Bypass via HTTP Hijacking: How and How to Prevent ItAttention all passengers! This is your captain speaking! You're about to be hijacked. No no, instead you're gonna be reading an interesting find that i came across this week. So there i was having tea with my favorite person (her), having a conversat...Discuss·13 likes·467 readsmacOS
Yusuf Isahyuscode.hashnode.dev·Sep 5, 2024Chapter 5 - TCP/IP Protocol SuiteIntroduction The TCP/IP protocol suite is the foundation of Internet and network communication. It defines how data is transmitted over networks and ensures reliable and secure communication between devices. This chapter covers the common protocols w...DiscussNetworkingTCP/IP
Anirban Banerjeeanirbanbanerjee13.hashnode.dev·Sep 5, 2024HTTP: The Basics Behind Every Web RequestHTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is the backbone of the web, defining how clients request data from servers and how servers respond. As an application layer protocol, HTTP relies on TCP to ensure every bit of data reaches its destination. It's als...Discusshttp
Sachin Borsesachinborse.hashnode.dev·Sep 4, 2024Exploring Lesser-Known HTTP Handlers in GoWhen working with Go’s net/http package, most of us are familiar with the basics: http.HandleFunc for routing, http.ServeMux for handling multiple routes, and http.FileServer for serving static files. But Go’s HTTP package has a few lesser-known hand...Discuss·52 readsGolang developer
Tuanh.nettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Sep 2, 2024CORS with Spring Security 6Source: CORS with Spring Security 6 1. Introduction to CORS 1.1 What is CORS? CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It’s a security feature implemented by web browsers to prevent websites from making unauthorized requests t...DiscussSpring
Tuanh.nettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Sep 2, 2024Understanding PUT vs PATCH: Key Differences and Use CasesSource: Understanding PUT vs PATCH: Key Differences and Use Cases 1. Overview of PUT and PATCH The PUT and PATCH methods are HTTP verbs used for updating resources on a server. However, their usage and semantics differ significantly. 1.1 ...Discusshttp
Programming with Shahancodewithshahan.hashnode.dev·Sep 2, 2024How website work behind your click? (HTTP)1. What is HTTP? When you want to visit a website, like YouTube or dev.to, HTTP is the process that helps load the videos, text, and images on your screen. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is simply a language (not programming language) that your c...Discusshttp
Lewis Kerrswiftproxy.hashnode.dev·Aug 29, 2024Using a SOCKS5 Proxy to Forward HTTP Requests: A How-ToSOCKS5 proxy provides flexibility, allowing users to access any online destination without facing verification codes or IP bans, thereby enhancing the anonymity and security of network activities. SOCKS5 proxy is suitable for a variety of scenarios, ...DiscussPySocks
Simon AsikaforSimular Bloghashnode.simular.co·Aug 28, 2024UserAgent 是什麼?網站如何用它辨識身分?今天夏格飛要介紹的是網站相關從業人員一定會聽過的 UserAgent,它常常被用來辨識使用者的瀏覽器、裝置或作業系統。而若有看過網站存取記錄或伺服器 log 的人,一定也常常看到 UserAgent 的完整字串。這些 UserAgent 字串到底是什麼意思,如何判讀,讓我們一步一步來解析。 [toc] 什麼是 UserAgent UserAgent 又稱使用者代理,是網站與伺服器用來辨識使用者行為的標記。所謂的使用者代理,意思是我們所操作的電腦、手機等裝置,以及上面用來瀏覽網頁的瀏覽器,其實是代...Discuss網站知識sec-ch-ua
Sanjoy Sahasanjoysblog.hashnode.dev·Aug 28, 2024Understanding HTTP Request Methods: A Beginner's Guide to Web CommunicationWhen building websites or web applications, understanding how communication happens between a client (browser) and a server is essential. One of the key components in this communication is the HTTP request method. These methods allow you to interact ...Discusshttp