·Nov 19, 2024Building a Simple TCP Web Client in CIntroduction In this post, we'll walk through building a simple TCP web client from scratch. Instead of posting the entire code upfront, we'll dive straight into the important sections, explaining the key concepts step by step. Below here I have show...DiscussConfessions of a Networking Newbie : A Journey into Code and Conceptsnetworking·Nov 16, 2024Http和Https混合内容错误今天在访问自己搭建网站得时候,项目部署服务器后,访问前端,结果前端不返回数据,打开开发者工具出现 Mixed Context ... was loaded over HTTPS错误。 Http/Https Http(超文本传输协议)和Https(超文本传输安全协议)都是用于从网络传输超文本到本地浏览器的传输协议。它们的主要区别在于HTTPS提供了额外的安全特性。 Http HTTP是互联网上应用最为广泛的协议之一。 它定义了客户端和服务器之间请求和响应的标准。 数据在客户端和服务器之间传...Discuss·1 likeNetWorkhttp
Rayhan·Nov 13, 2024ওয়েব অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের গতি ও কার্যকারিতা বাড়াতে HTTP ETag ব্যবহারের সুবিধালেখালেখির অভ্যাস খুব একটা বেশি নেই আমার প্রথমবারের মতো লেখার চেষ্টা করছি আশা করছি ভুল ত্রুটিগুলো ক্ষমা সুন্দর দৃষ্টি দেখবেন। ETags (Entity Tags) একটি ক্যাশিং পদ্ধতি, যা রিসোর্স যাচাই ও ওয়েব রিকোয়েস্টের কার্যকারিতা উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করে।ETag হলো এক...Discussrayhankobir
FMZ·Nov 13, 2024New Feature of FMZ Quant: Use _Serve Function to Create HTTP Services EasilyIn quantitative trading and automated strategy development, http services are sometimes used. The FMZ Quant Trading Platform has added a function _Serve() recently, which provides users with flexible HTTP, HTTPS and TCP service creation capabilities....DiscussFMZQuant
Onuh Chidera·Nov 10, 2024Backend Patterns: Response/RequestIntroduction In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, like the spark of creation, the request/response pattern emerged. This pattern, one of the oldest and simplest forms of backend communication, remains fundamental to how computers interact over ...Discuss·34 likes·115 readsBackend Engineering Tacticsbackend-patterns
Krishnat Ramchandra·Nov 11, 2024Understanding Network Programming with Python: Socket Library, IPs, and MoreIn today's world, the internet is at the core of almost every technology we use. Understanding how devices communicate over networks is essential for developers. In this blog, we'll explore the Python socket library, IP addresses, network protocols, ...Discussnetworking
Tejas·Nov 8, 2024The HTTP vs HTTPS Dilemma: Securing the Backend-Frontend CommunicationIn today's web applications, security is of paramount importance. One crucial aspect of this is ensuring secure communication between the backend and frontend components of your system. This is where the distinction between HTTP and HTTPS becomes cru...Discusshttp
Yarelys·Nov 4, 2024How Secure Web Traffic Happens: Step-by-Step GuideWe've all experienced that sense of relief when we see the lock icon or “your connection is secure”. But have you ever wondered what's happening behind the scenes to make that possible? Secure web traffic is essential for protecting sensitive data tr...DiscussSecure Web Traffic·Nov 4, 2024SOAP APIs and REST APIs: A Detailed ComparisonSource: SOAP APIs and REST APIs: A Detailed Comparison 1. What Are SOAP APIs? SOAP, or Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol used to exchange structured information in the implementation of web services. SOAP APIs use XML for mess...Discusshttp
Sadia·Nov 1, 2024Understanding the Basics of Web InteractionIf you try to think of a life without the web, it seems unimaginable right? Have you ever paid attention to what happens when we view a webpage in our phones and computers? My blog will take you through what client-server architecture is, how the web...Discuss·12 likes·55 readshttp