Brieuc·Jan 27, 2025Type-safe translations in TypeScriptAs a developer, you may have encountered the need to internationalise your application. For that, you may either have used a library or written your own solution. In this article, we will explore how to create a type-safe translation system in TypeSc...10 likes·303 readsTypeScript
Arka·Jan 5, 2025Internationalization (i18n) in Next.js: Supporting Multiple LanguagesIntroduction In today’s globalized world, creating applications that cater to a multilingual audience is increasingly important. Internationalization (i18n) enables developers to build websites and apps that can adapt to different languages and regio...#MultilingualWeb
Alex·Dec 5, 2024Svelte i18n and Localization Made EasyApps are accessible worldwide. This means anyone from anywhere in the world can download your app. So, if you want to cater to people everywhere, your app needs to support multiple languages. Fortunately, Svelte is easy to work with, and it makes l...localization
Othmane·Nov 19, 2024Building Multilingual React Apps: Practical Guide to i18next and RTL SupportIn previous article, we understood why localization and internationalization are crucial parts that should be handled to create globally-ready products or apps. Now, in this article, we'll jump into a practical guide about how you can set up and conf...6 likes·52 readsi18next
arnaud·Nov 10, 2024Gérer plusieurs langues sur son site avec Hygraph et NextJsDans cet article, nous verrons comment gérer plusieurs langues avec Hygraph et NextJs. Grâce à cette configuration, vous pourrez facilement ajouter, modifier et ainsi gérer du contenu dans plusieurs langues depuis une interface centralisée, tout en r...58 readsGérer le contenu de son site avec Hygraph et NextJshygraph
Othmane·Nov 2, 2024Why Internationalization and localization are No Longer Optional for Modern AppsInternationalization and localization are crucial parts to take into consideration when you start your application or product, to make it limitless across the world. In this article, we'll dive deep into these concepts and why you should take care of...1 like·68 readslocalization
Okoye·Oct 25, 2024Localization and Internationalization: How to Make Your Website Accessible to the Whole WorldIn today's digital world, the border of one country no longer constrains a business. Whether you are a small startup or an established company, the internet opens a gateway to global markets. But what is the key to making sure that your website or ap...L18N
Geoffrey·Oct 23, 2024Unlocking Multilingual Menus: How to Make Your WordPress Full-Site-Editing Navigation Translatable with Polylang!If you’ve ever found yourself knee-deep in PHP, wrestling with WordPress native navigation blocks, and wondering why your menus look like they’ve been lost in translation (literally), you’re not alone! Fear not! Today, we’ll transform that jumbled me...39 readsWordPress
Jordi Ollé Ballesté·Aug 19, 2024Adding i18n to the Fuel Tracker AppSince the beginning when I started building the Fuel Tracker App I knew I'd add translations some day. The time has come and I'll share how I did it. First thing we'll do is install what we need, and in this case is i18next and react-i18next. npm i i...56 readsinternationalization
Emzar·Jun 16, 2024Building localized NextJS application with language selector and cloud hosted translations: Part 2 / 2 - client sideImage by macrovector on Freepik The code for this article can be found here: The first part of this article, discussing server-side localization, can be found here: https://epanikas.hashno...TypeScript