DbVisualizerthetable.hashnode.dev·Dec 30, 2024A Guide to Handling Duplicate Indexes in MySQLIndexes are one of the cornerstones of MySQL optimization, providing faster query performance and efficient data retrieval. However, duplicate indexes can negate these benefits by introducing inefficiencies and bloat. In this guide, we’ll break down ...index
Danny Crastoblog.danwald.me·Dec 24, 2024Foreign Key with missing indexesRelational databases have references to other tables via 1-Many relationships using a foreign key. CREATE TABLE Bar( id int NOT NULL, name varchar(128), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE Foo ( id int NOT NULL,...SQL
Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 12, 2024Default Method of Array1. Array.Sort() 🧹: Sorts the elements of an array in ascending order. int[] numbers = { 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9 }; Array.Sort(numbers); // numbers will be { 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9 } 2. Array.Reverse() 🔄: Reverses the order of elements in an array. Array.Revers...array
Dev Kheradiyadevkheradiya.hashnode.dev·Nov 25, 2024Automated Updates: Keeping Algolia Synced with CSV DataThis blog explains how to automate CSV syncing, index data in Algolia, and display it on a live website, with the flexibility to update CSV data anytime. Step 1:Create a CSV file to serve as the data source. To simplify the process, I am using Google...1 like·29 readsAlgolia
Rohit Gawanderohit253.hashnode.dev·Aug 15, 2024Mastering the Web: A Journey Through HTML and BeyondHistory of HTML HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) was first developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. It was created as a simple way to structure and link documents on the web. The first version, HTML 1.0, was quite basic, supporting text formatting and l...10 likes·35 readsFull Stack JavascriptWeb Development
Brett Rowberrybrettrowberry.com·Aug 3, 2024Overcoming SQL Server Index FragmentationLicensing Woes In one of my previous jobs, we managed many Oracle and SQL Server 🪟 databases. Licensing restrictions often forced us into making suboptimal choices. Here are two examples. First, we had Oracle DB instances across the world that neede...48 readsreorganize-index
Nanda Kumartechnanda.hashnode.dev·Jun 23, 2024Mastering SQL Server Indexes: Enhancing Performance and Optimizing QueriesIn the world of database management, the efficiency of data retrieval and manipulation is important. SQL Server indexes are powerful tools that can greatly enhance performance. However, understanding when and how to use them is crucial to avoid poten...SQL Server Index
FMZ Quantfmzquant.hashnode.dev·May 31, 2024Application of the combination strategy of SMA and RSI relative strength indexThe combination of SMA and RSI As for the SMA strategy, in previous articles, it has been mentioned many times and there are many practical strategies for readers to choose from. Because of its great advantages in trend tracking, SMA strategy has alw...sma
Danny Crastoblog.danwald.me·May 21, 2024`LIKE` uses a range indexA Django's Auth table's indexes: mysql> show index from auth_user; +-----------+------------+------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ | Table | Non_un...SQL
Shawn Conwayshawnway210.hashnode.dev·Sep 28, 2023Do Not Use Index As A KeyA key is a unique and permanent property that allows you to identify changed, updated, or deleted items from a list of elements. In React anything that you are returning from inside the map () function must have a key. const mappedFruit = fruits.map(...Key