Sakshi from·Dec 10, 2024Storage Wars: Choosing the Right Client-Side Storage SolutionThis blog is written by Jeremy Rivera at KushoAI. We're building the fastest way to test your APIs. It's completely free and you can sign up here. When building an application, a difficult choice we as developers often face is the challenge of storin...Web Development
Ramu·Oct 29, 2024IndexedDB explained.In our previous article, we discussed Dexie, a wrapper for IndexedDB. In this article, we discuss IndexedDB. You must be familiar with this localStorage API, commonly used to store info in the browser. Similarly, IndexedDB is used for client side sto...JavaScript
ANSH·Sep 21, 2024Storage of WebWeb storage provides essential benefits to modern application to store data in browser resulting in improved user experience. Sometimes, internet connections can be unreliable or unavailable, which is why offline functionality and reliable performanc...localstorage
Muhammad·Jul 17, 2024How Databases Organize Data on Disks: A Simplified GuideBefore going to the actual database organization part, you first need to understand some prerequisites more clearly. Disk Block: When data is stored on disk-based storage devices, it is stored as blocks of data. You can say a "disk block" is the smal...internels
Kanishka·May 5, 2024Beginner's Guide to IndexedDB: Illustrated with Easy-to-Follow Block DiagramsWhat is IndexedDB? In simple terms, IndexedDB is a client-side storage technique like LocalStorage and SessionStorage. But what sets it apart and makes it far more powerful than the other alternatives is it's: Ability to manage large amounts of stru...5 likes·50 readsindexeddb
gunjan·Apr 21, 2024Web Storage APIsIn this blog, we explore the Web Storage API provided by modern web browsers. This API allows websites to store data directly within the user's browser. There are three main types of Web Storage APIs: Local Storage: Enables data storage across brows...17 likes·30 readsweb storage api
Rishabh·Jan 1, 2024Boosting PostgreSQL Performance with BRIN IndexesIntroduction PostgreSQL, known for its extensibility and robustness, offers a variety of indexing options to optimize query performance. Among these, Block Range INdexes (BRIN) provide a unique approach to indexing large tables with ranges of values....12 likes·204 readsBRINvsBTree·Dec 12, 2023FeaturedUnderstanding IndexedDB. The complete guide.Before we start I have been working with IndexedDB for more than 3 years. When I just started, I thought, huh, it's similar to MongoDB, easy-peasy. Quite fast I understood that: The native API is not that easy to use, you need a handy wrapper like D...77 likes·7.0K readsindexeddb·May 21, 2023Building Offline-First Web Applications with Service Workers and IndexedDBAbstract: In this article, we will explore the concept of offline-first web applications and delve into the tools and techniques that enable this functionality. Specifically, we will focus on Service Workers and IndexedDB, two powerful technologies t...353 readsService Workers·May 2, 2023Binding to a JavaScript Function that Returns a Variant in ReScriptReScript provides easy ways to bind to most JavaScript functions in a way that feels both native and safe. Conveniently, it even provides an @unwrap decorator for parametric polymorphism. However, there are a few places where we still have to fill in...51 readsJavaScript