Lee Carverleeca.hashnode.dev·Mar 7, 2024Gradle First or No Good Deed Goes UnpunishedSometimes software development is like an evil game of Simon Says. Two steps forward. Two steps forward. One little bumble as you approach the finish line, and it’s ten somersaults backwards. Details If you are seeing Gradle fail due to an “Unsupp...gradle
Christian Lehnertblog.christianlehnert.dev·Jan 22, 2024Understanding Java's Virtual ThreadsIn the constantly evolving world of software development, keeping up with the latest trends and technologies is essential for developers. Java, a long-standing pillar in the programming world, has introduced a groundbreaking concept in its recent upd...90 readsJavaJava
Shaaf, Syedshaaf.hashnode.dev·Sep 20, 2023Whats new for developers in JDK 21In an exciting development for Java developers, this September 19th marked the release of JDK 21. This release contains many new capabilities that benefit the Java ecosystem, including virtual threads, record patterns, and sequenced collections. Ther...Java