Manupuri·Oct 27, 2024Java 11Developer Features: New String Methods New File Methods Collection to an Array Not Predicate Method Local variable syntax for lambda HTTP client Nest Based Access Control Running java File Performance Enhancements: Dynamic class file consta...java11
Nipuna·Feb 3, 2024Java Version Management👋🏻 Introduction Have you ever run into problems when you need to install different versions of Java or Maven? I have always found that installing another Java version and setting the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables very cumbersome. What if I tell you ...Java
Alexis Narváez·Jan 15, 2024¿Que es Spring Boot , y que es Spring Framework ?🔋 Spring Boot . Spring Boot es un marco de desarrollo de aplicaciones en Java basado en el framework Spring. Nos proporciona una forma rápida y sencilla de crear aplicaciones Java con una configuración mínima. Una de las principales características ...Spring BootJav21
Navnit·Jan 14, 2024Java 11 new featureJava 11 introduced several features and enhancements. Here's a list of some notable features along with examples: Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters: In Java 11, you can use var in lambda expressions. // Before Java 11 BiFunctio...Java
Vijay T·Sep 7, 2023Enhancing Java's Core: Modifying/Adding Bootstrap Classes via Xbootclasspath and patch-moduleYou can actually write the following code without the compiler going crazy! import java.util.VeejayTreeMap; The arguments that you pass to the JVM have significant meaning. You can literally add your own classes as part of the core java library and ...123 readsJava
Alexander·Jun 22, 2023Behind the Scenes: An Insight into Successful Java 11 to Java 17 Migration of multiple Spring Boot production appsIntroduction In an ever-evolving technology landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest software upgrades is a cornerstone for maintaining robust and efficient applications. Among the many tools that developers employ, Java remains a steadfast pres...2.5K readsJava
Lukasz·Apr 11, 2023The Pros and Cons of Java 11Pros of Java 11 Improved performance: Java 11 offers better performance in terms of startup time, throughput, and garbage collection. Enhanced security: Java 11 includes new security features, such as TLS 1.3 support and improved cryptography algor...104 readsjava11
Tristan·Oct 25, 2022My experience in taking OCP Java SE 11 DeveloperIntroduction As an experienced Java Developer, It was an opportunity for me to take the discounted exam (90% off) starting from February 25 to April 25 of 2021. The discounted exam was due to the Java 25th Anniversary. I ended up scoring 76% and it w...126 readsJavajava11
Umut·Jul 20, 2022Java - OperatörlerArkadaşlar merhaba, Bugün java operatörlerden bahsedeceğiz. Operatörler Nedir ? Operatörler bir, iki ya da üç tane girdi (operand) alan üzerinde işlem yapıp bir sonuç üreten bir semboldür. Tek işlenenlilere, tekli işlemci (unary operator) İki işle...209 readsJava SEJava