Ramu Narasingathinkthroo.hashnode.dev·Aug 20, 2024Generating a JSDoc comment for your function using OpenAI.This article is inspired by Remotion’s internal package, ai-improvements. This internal package is used to improve/generate JSDoc comment and log in the console for a function in the Remotion’s source code. This use case is quite different because yo...jsdoc
Pranav Bawgikarpranavbawg.hashnode.dev·Apr 23, 2024Why Svelte broke up with TypeScript??!I want to preface this article by saying and [spoiler alert], while I might agree with Svelte's decision to migrate to JSDoc and see the benefits it offers over TypeScript, I'm still a HUGE fan of TypeScript and all the awesome features it brings to ...Svelte
Hamidreza Mahdavipanahhamidreza.tech·Apr 12, 2024Using @ and */ symbols inside JS multiline commentsWhile documenting JavaScript code using JSDoc, I stumbled upon an annoying issue. My attempts to include the /* symbol in the example code within a multiline comment caused the entire comment block to break. This happens because */ is recognized as t...2 likes·138 readsjsdoc
Philip Birk-Jensenblog.birk-jensen.dk·Jan 12, 2024Documenting a callback function in JSDocA callback function is a function passed into another function as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function to complete some kind of routine or action. -- MDN: Callback function Callbacks are used all over in JavaScript, a good ex...446 readsjsdoc
Thomas Portelangeblog.lekoala.be·Jan 11, 2024Typescript... or jsdocs ?Each time I see an article (like this one) about typescript, they never quite seem to mention jsdocs. Therefore, it always feels like an unfair, one-sided comparison. Let's dive in some of the typical examples. Type safety This is probably the bigges...7 likes·252 readsJavaScript
Priya Jainpriya-jain.hashnode.dev·Dec 3, 2023How JSDoc Transforms Your JavaScript ProjectsWelcome to this week's exploration where we delve into the transformative power of JSDoc in enhancing your JavaScript projects. In this guide, I aim to provide you with a clear understanding of JSDoc's capabilities and its impact on your codebase. Wh...1 like·71 readsjsdoc
Jiwon Yujingwangjjang.hashnode.dev·Oct 25, 2023[JSDoc] How to annotate like a JavaScript ProWhat is JSDoc? JSDoc is a markup language used to annotate JavaScript source code files. Using comments containing JSDoc, programmers can add documentation describing the application programming interface of the code they're creating. How to use JSD...47 readsJavaScript
Smit Thakkarthefellowcoder.hashnode.dev·Sep 30, 2023Mastering Code Documentation with JSDoc: Your Ultimate Guide 📝In the fast-paced world of software development, clear and comprehensive code documentation is like a treasure map 🗺️ that helps fellow developers navigate your codebase. In this blog post, we'll embark on an exciting journey to discover the power o...92 readsNode.js
Shivam Sharmashivam-sharma.hashnode.dev·Sep 19, 2023Typing your JavaScript without writing TypeScriptThe good news is that we can give TypeScript more hints about the types that flow around our JavaScript application or project without changing the project to TypeScript. JSDoc You can use JSDoc to set the types of variables. In this example, assigni...1 likeTypeScript
Saloni Saraiyajscoder13.hashnode.dev·Mar 22, 2022How to add comments in JavascriptJS! Hey there, How are you all? Well, I am back with one another topic that developers hate, yet a very important part of the development life-cycle. You guessed it right (obviously from the Title 😛). Yes, COMMENTS IN CODE. It's required Because Som...code