FIKARA·Sep 3, 2024Metasploit sur Kali LinuxMetasploit est un environnement de test d'intrusion sur Kali Linux. Il est utilisé pour tester et exploiter la vulnérabilité des systèmes en utilisant divers exploits et payloads. Un exploit est un module de codes qui abuse des vulnérabilités d'un s...Discuss·121 readsKali Linux
Amrit·Dec 23, 2023Why Linux?BACKGROUND I was a Windows user right from the start until I switched to Linux. I hadn't used any other OS before. I was using Windows until a few years back. I first used Linux in VMware, and it was not GUI-friendly. Getting that out of my mind I us...Discuss·46 readsWHy linux
Mohammad·Nov 5, 2022How to Resolve the “curl:(6) Could not resolve host”?There may be numerous causes which will trigger this error. This section shall not only elaborate on what those reasons are but also explain how to resolve this issue. Syntactical Error : The first and foremost cause of this error is syntax error w...Discuss·61 readsresolve host
Kamil·Sep 19, 2022How to dual boot encrypted Kali Linux with Windows 11Prerequisites Windows 11 already installed and running Free space on drive where we are going to install the Kali Linux Bootable USB drive with Kali Linux Preparation Follow the Kali installation as usual until you encounter the partitioning step -...Discuss·3 likes·3.4K readskali
Daniel·Sep 15, 2022How to Install Kali Linux on Your ComputerKali Linux (formerly known as BackTrack) is an open-source Linux distro developed and funded by Offensive Security. It’s basically an ethical hacker's dream operating system, because it has most of the tools you'll ever need built-in. From Metasploi...Discusskali·Aug 12, 2022Sense Walkthrough – HackTheBoxBy Shuaib Oseni HackTheBox is an online hacking platform that allows you to test and practice your penetration testing skills. It contains several vulnerable labs that are constantly updated. Some of them simulate real-world scenarios and some of th...Discusscybersecurity·May 7, 2018How to install Kali on a USB stick with pure EFI boot on a Mac (and let’s throw in virtualization…By Flavio De Stefano This tutorial is for everyone who wants a USB stick with a full Kali installation to use with your Mac(s). This is not intended to perform a Live Kali installation with persistence. The problem when you perform a Kali installatio...Discusskali