·Jan 31, 2025Tabla de Formatos de Nomenclatura de Palabras📌 Convenciones de nomenclatura en Go y TypeScript 1️⃣ camelCase ✅ Descripción: La primera palabra en minúscula, las siguientes en mayúscula. No usa espacios ni guiones.✍ Ejemplo: miVariableEjemplo 🔹 En Go: Usado en variables locales y parámetros (...snake_case
Deon·Dec 4, 2023Database Naming ConventionsNaming conventions are critical in programming and database design as it prevent early death, either by a co-worker or self-inflicted. Giving the necessary attention to naming things appropriately will save you major headaches when it comes to unders...Database Design FundamentalsNaming Conventions
Pranish·May 9, 2023String Cases in Programming: Understanding Camel Case, Pascal Case, Snake Case, Kebab Case, and Title CaseIn computer programming, several types of cases can be used to format strings. These include: Camel Case: This is a naming convention where the first word is in lowercase and the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized. For example, myVa...515 readskebab-case·Sep 21, 2022Choose the correct case style for your vuejs project to reduce debuggingYour beautifully coded component is not loading and there are no error messages in the web console. I define this as a silent fail, iIf you are a full stack engineer and work with different technologies, it’s good to have a vuejs debug checklist. Ad...70 readsVue.js