DHANVEER AHAMED ABDUL RAHEEMdhanvbdev.hashnode.dev·Jan 2, 2025Installation of Production Grade Kubernetes Cluster with KOPSInstalling a production-grade Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes Operations (kops) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) involves several steps. Below is a structured guide to help you through the process. Prerequisites AWS Account: Ensure you have an active...Kops
Parasharam Durikarim-pd.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2025Kubernetes Installation Using KOPS on AWS-EC2Installing Prerequisite kubectl is required, see here. macOS and Linux From Homebrew brew update && brew install kops The kops binary is also available via our releases. GitHub Releases Linux curl -Lo kops https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/releases...AWS
Dinesh Kumar Kblog.dineshcloud.in·Aug 27, 2024Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS using kopsCreating a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using kops (Kubernetes Operations) is a popular method due to its simplicity and powerful feature set. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you set up a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using kops. Step 1 : Create an EC...61 readsDevOpsKubernetes
Balman Rawatblog.balmanrawat.com.np·Jun 8, 2024KOps Quick Bootstrapping on AWShttps://kops.sigs.k8s.io/getting_started/aws/ Pre-requisite DOMAIN=kops.balmanrawat.com.np aws route53 create-hosted-zone \ --name ${DOMAIN} \ --caller-reference kops-expriment ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --ou...Kops
AutOpsautops.hashnode.dev·Feb 10, 2024Deploy Super-Mario in Production Ready K8s Environment with Kops.Author: Ujwal Pachghare In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of deploying a Mario game on Kubernetes (k8s) nodes. This includes creating the necessary manifests, applying them, and testing the deployment. In the previous tutorial we hav...28 readssupere mario
AutOpsautops.hashnode.dev·Feb 10, 2024Setting Up Local Kubernetes Cluster with KopsAuthor: Ujwal Pachghare In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of setting up a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster on AWS using Kops. We will then deploy a Mario game on the nodes of our cluster in Next tutorial. Prerequisites Before we begin, Insta...Kops
Alvin machariaalvxndevops.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2024Day-32 | How to Manage Hundreds of Kubernetes clusters | kops.In the realm of container orchestration, Kubernetes reigns supreme as the go-to platform for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. As Kubernetes continues to evolve, understanding the diverse landscape of Kubernetes distributio...Docker
Rohit Deorerohitexplainstech.hashnode.dev·Jan 19, 2024Mastering Kubernetes Cluster Management with KOPS (Day-27)Introduction: Welcome back to Day 27 of our DevOps journey! Today, we'll embark on a fascinating exploration of managing hundreds of Kubernetes clusters using the powerful tool called KOPS (Kubernetes Operations). We'll walk through popular Kubernete...Devops
Karthick Dkarthick-dk.hashnode.dev·Jan 14, 2024kOPS -Kubernetes for Production ready Set-UpWhat is kOps? kOps, also known as Kubernetes operations, is an open-source project which helps you create, destroy, upgrade, and maintain a highly available, production-grade Kubernetes cluster. Depending on the requirement, kOps can also provision c...Kubernetes
Subash Neupaneblogs.subashneupane3.com.np·Jan 8, 2024Kubernetes kOps: Manage K8s Clusters in AWSThe creation, deployment, and management of available Kubernetes clusters for production environments is often a complex and time-consuming process. The tasks get even more complex when it is related to provisioning AWS resources. So looking at this ...Kops