Anik Kumar·Nov 30, 2024Laravel SQL Injection Prevention: A Comprehensive GuideSQL Injection is a common and serious issue in web apps. It allows attackers to run any SQL queries on your database, which could lead to data breaches, data loss, or even taking over your app's backend. As a Laravel developer, it's really important ...225 readsLaravelanik nandi
Kaushik·Feb 25, 2023Banhammer : Block Users, Model and IPs in LaravelBanhammer is a Laravel package that provides a simple and easy-to-use way to manage user bans and IP bans in your Laravel application. The package provides a flexible and customizable system that allows you to ban users and IP addresses based on a va...365 readsLaravelBanhammer
Tina·Nov 16, 2022Best Laravel Security Practices You Should Give It A shot!Site security is a basic issue; regardless of the expenses in question, watchfulness and preplanned endeavors should be a fundamental piece of your hierarchical procedure. At the speed innovation is hustling ahead, online aggressors and spammers like...36 readslaravel security