horus cyberhorushe.hashnode.dev·Dec 5, 2024Three Little Things That Make Life BetterIn this reflection, I'd like to share some simple yet profound practices that can significantly enhance our daily lives. These practices are both accessible and rewarding. 1. Capture Moments Through Instant Journaling One of my long-standing habits h...Life lessons
Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Jun 29, 2024The Joy of Research as a HobbyWhen asked about my hobbies, I often find myself defaulting to the typical answers—reading, traveling, coding. Yet, there's one passion I seldom mention, not out of shame, but due to its unconventional nature: research. Not the formal, structured res...852 readsR&D
Kathryn Tvapedaily.hashnode.dev·Sep 16, 2022Fun Ideas for My Leisure TimeYou are in the right place if you are finding Funny Ideas for leisure time. Leisure time means the free time when we have no activity to do. It is essential to have free time after a payday's work. Still, sometimes we get tired of leisure time. No do...50 readsLeisure